ruby on rails - In a show action, how to list objects that are in a associated model? -

what want here list entries of each activities in project.

app/controllers/projects_controller.rb :

class projectscontroller < applicationcontroller     def index         @projects = project.all     end      def show         @project = project.find(params[:id])         @activities = @project.activities     end end 

app/views/projects/show.html.erb :

  <div>     <p><%= @project.description %></p>      <% @activities.each |activity| %>       <div>         <p><%= %></p>          <% activity.entries.each |entry| %>  <= error @ line             <p><%= %></p>         <% end %>        </div>     <% end %>   </div> 

my models :

  • project : has many activities
  • activity : has many entries, belongs project
  • entry : belong activity

the error obtain when run : "uninitialized constant activity::saisy" on show file

i don't know if can put each loop inside other each loop ? maybe that's problem, can't find other way it...

thanks lot help.

try renaming activity a, maybe activity reserved work

 <div>     <p><%= @project.description %></p>      <% @activities.each |a| %>      <div>       <p><%= %></p>        <% a.entries.each |entry| %>          <p><%= %></p>       <% end %>      </div>       <% end %> </div> 


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