How to connect to redis with dokku and flask? -
i wanted use redis dokku , flask. first issue installing current version of dokku, using latest version repo now.
second problem showing in flask debugger:
redis.exceptions.connectionerror connectionerror: error 111 connecting none:6379. connection refused.
i set redis url , port in flask:
app.config['redis_url'] = 'ip:32768'
-----> checking status of redis remote: found image redis/landing remote: checking status...stopped. remote: launching redis/landing...command: docker run -v /home/dokku/.redis/volume-landing:/var/lib/redis -p 6379 -d redis/landing /bin/ -----> setting config vars redis_url: redis://ip:6379 redis_ip: ip redis_port: 6379
any idea? redis_url should set in different way?
this code works ok in localhost: (with ['redis_ip'] = '' set
problem appears when try connect redis dokku.
steps use redis flask , dokku:
install redis plugin:
cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone redis
dokku plugins-install
link redis container application container
dokku redis:create [name of app container]
you receive info environmental variables have set - example:
host: public port: 32771
then set these settings in flask (or other framework)
app.config['redis_url'] = 'redis://' app.config['redis_ip'] = '' app.config['redis_port'] = '6379'
complete example of redis database used flask app (a/b testing in flask):
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