batch file - Dealing with the Header Line of the Single/Multiple Coloumn Variable List -

presently have been using below mentioned script activity; if have header of specific variable list, how ignore (first line of variable file)...?

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  set /a n=0  set /a m=0  set /a nline=1  set /a mod=0  /f %%i in (c:\variablelist\variable.txt) (    set /a n=m+1    set /a m=n    set /a mod=m%%%nline%    if !mod! equ 0 (      run -n -d %%i      if !errorlevel! neq 0 (        goto end      )    )  )  :end  endlocal

innovative idea, if filter query find c:\windows\system32\find "z",though it's not necessary because it's coming simple query result (for common variable), , use c:\windows\system32\find /v "x/y/z", though it's not require desire result (for not common other variable); magically header part vanished.


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