python - How to format the name of the logging level -

when start ipython, see logs this:

[i 17:03:59.993 notebookapp] using mathjax cdn: [w 17:04:00.292 notebookapp] terminals not available (error no    module named terminado) [i 17:04:00.293 notebookapp] serving notebooks local directory: /home/oleg [i 17:04:00.293 notebookapp] 0 active kernels  [i 17:04:00.293 notebookapp] ipython notebook running at: http://localhost:8888/ [i 17:04:00.293 notebookapp] use control-c stop server , shut down kernels (twice skip confirmation). 

here levels of messages formatted, is, see i instead of info, w instead of warning etc. in addition, brackets colored. find cool , write logs way too. however, ipython uses tornado logging system.

i use colorlog module color messages. in order formatting, subclassed streamhandler class, described here: how level of logging record in custom logging.handler in python?

class formatlevelhandler(logging.streamhandler):     def emit(self, record):         record.levelname = record.levelname[0]         logging.streamhandler.emit(self, record) 

but when this, coloring not work anymore.

is there way have both logging level name formatting , coloring? here full code:

import logging colorlog import coloredformatter formatter = coloredformatter(     "%(log_color)s[%(levelname)1s %(asctime)s] %(reset)s %(blue)s%(message)s",     datefmt=none,     reset=true,     log_colors={         'debug':    'cyan',         'info':     'green',         'warning':  'yellow',         'error':    'red',         'critical': 'red,bg_white',     },     secondary_log_colors={},     style='%' ) logger = logging.getlogger(__name__)  class formatlevelhandler(logging.streamhandler):     def emit(self, record):         record.levelname = record.levelname[0]         logging.streamhandler.emit(self, record)  ch = formatlevelhandler() ch.setformatter(formatter) logger.addhandler(ch) logger.setlevel(logging.debug)'hello') logger.debug('hi') 

do not change level in handler.emit(). instead, truncate level in format string using %(levelname)1.1s (not %(levelname)1s in example).

or can use tornado logging system whether use rest of tornado or not: call tornado.log.enable_pretty_logging() @ start of program.


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