mysql - Get all current joins to a query in yii2 ActiveQuery -

is there way joined table query?

for example:

query = account::find()->joinwith(['gallery'])->joinwith(['articles'])->etc... 

is there integrated method in yii2 return above joined tables (or event on hook them manually)?

solution suggested @beowulfenator shows joins relations (which added joinwith() method.

to show joins need prepare query this:

$query = account::find()     ->join('...', '...')     ->joinwith(['gallery', 'articles']); // way, can reduce code  $query->prepare(); 

this transform yii\db\activequery simple yii\db\query doesn't have joinwith property has join property show joins.

you can var_dump , see it:

var_dump($query->join); exit(); 

first element stores type of join, second - table name (note can either string or array depending on used relation), third - on condition.


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