html - White screen of death on dynamic sql php page -

i learning php creation of web pages mysql. wanted to run script, fails. white screen of death. can @ code , tell me , in direction should go. time.

<?php include 'include.php'; // php class bracket // bracket builder gotgames // author benjamin thomas // october 2009 class bracket { //bring in database details include.php var $username = db_user; var $password = db_pass; var $database = db_name; //init class variables var $tournament_name; var $tournament_size; var $tournament_format; var $tournament_id; var $result_servers; var $result_stvs; var $result_matches; var $result_teams; //************************************************************************************* // schedule bracket // input - tournament id used identify tournament scheduling // operation - constructor reads required information     databas , assigns following class values: // tournament_name; // tournament_size; // tournament_format; // tournament_id; // result_servers; // result_stvs; // result_matches; // result_teams; //************************************************************************************* function bracket($tourn_id) { //save tournament id $this->tournament_id = $tourn_id; //collect required information draw bracket mysql_connect('localhost',$this->username,$this->password); @mysql_select_db($this->database) or die( "unable select database"); $query = "select * tms_tournament id = ".$tourn_id; $result_tournament = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed'); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tournament); $this->tournament_name = $row['name']; $this->tournament_size = $row['size']; $this->tournament_format = $row['format']; mysql_free_result($result_tournament); //read , save information database $query = "select * tms_servers id_tournament = ".$tourn_id; $this->result_servers = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed'); $query = "select * tms_stvs id_tournament = ".$tourn_id; $this->result_stvs = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed'); $query = "select * tms_matches id_tournament = ".$tourn_id; $this->result_matches = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed'); $query = "select * tms_teams_".$tourn_id." id_tournament = ".$tourn_id; $this->result_teams = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed'); } //************************************************************************************* // function draw // operation - called display single elimination bracket //************************************************************************************* function draw() { $total_rounds = log($this->tournament_size,2)+1; //total rounds $row = array(); $col = array($row); //create data type hold our bracket information //generate datastructure hold information required layout bracket for($i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds; $i++) { $round_matches = $this->getmatches($i); $matches = pow(2,$total_rounds-$i); //calc how many matches round $interval = pow(2,$i); // calc interval layout spacing $offset = pow(2,$i-1); // each round offset differnt amount form bracket pyramid for($c = 1; $c <= ($this->tournament_size*2)+1; $c++) { if ($c < $offset) { // blank space $col[$i][$c] = 0; } elseif ($c > (($this->tournament_size*2)+1)-$offset) { // blank space $col[$i][$c] = 0; } elseif ($c==$offset) { if ($i==$total_rounds) { //no match tournament winner $col[$i][$c] = "champion"; }else { //print team here $tmp_array=array_shift($round_matches); $col[$i][$c] = $tmp_array['print_team'];    } } elseif ((($c-$offset) % $interval) == 0) { //print team here $tmp_array=array_shift($round_matches); $col[$i][$c] = $tmp_array['print_team']; } elseif ($c==($offset*2)) { //print match here $col[$i][$c] = "match".$tmp_array['id']; } elseif ((($c-$offset*2) % ($interval*2)) == 0) { //print match here $col[$i][$c] = "match".$tmp_array['id']; } else { $col[$i][$c] = 0; // blank space } print("<br>"); } // layout bracket using html tables , data struct created above: col print("<table width='100%' border='5'>"); print("<tr>"); for($i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds-1; $i++) { print("<th>round ".(string)$i."</th>"); } print("</tr>"); for($c=1;$c<=($this->tournament_size*2);$c++) { print("<tr>"); for($i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds+1; $i++) { if (strcmp(substr($col[$i][$c],0,5),"match")==0) { $tmp_array = $this->getmatch(substr($col[$i][$c],5)); $datetime = new datetime($tmp_array['timestamp']); print("<td align='center' bgcolor='#ffe4e1'><table><tr><td align='center'>".$datetime->format("d, js f y ga")."</td></tr><tr><td     align='center'>stv - ".$this->getstvdetails($tmp_array['id_stv'])."</td></tr></table>    </td>"); } elseif (strcmp(substr($col[$i][$c],0,5),"teams")==0) { print("<td align='center' bgcolor='#dddddd'>".$this->getteamname(substr($col[$i]    [$c],5))."</td>"); } elseif ($col[$i][$c]) { print("<td align='center' bgcolor='#dddddd'>".$col[$i][$c]."</td>"); } else { print("<td height='40'></td>"); } } print("</tr>");     } print("</table>"); } } //************************************************************************************* // function getmatch // input - match_id // operation - retrives information saved parsed match_id //************************************************************************************* function getmatch($match_id) { $query = "select * tms_matches id = ".(string)$match_id; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); return $row; }     //************************************************************************************* // function getteamname // input - team_id // operation - returns name of team parsed team id //***********************************************************************************    ** function getteamname($team_id) { $query = "select name tms_teams_".(string)$this->tournament_id." id =     ".(string)$team_id;$result = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed'); return mysql_result($result, 0); } //************************************************************************************* // function getstvdetails // input - stv_id // operation - returns ip address of parsed stv id //************************************************************************************* function getstvdetails($stv_id) { $query = "select address tms_stvs id = ".(string)$stv_id; $result = mysql_query($query); return mysql_result($result, 0); } //************************************************************************************* // function getmatches // input round_no // operation - returns array of matches parse round. array sorted position field. //************************************************************************************* function getmatches($round_no) { $matches_avail = array(); $tmp_row = array(); $query = "select * tms_matches id_tournament = ".$this->tournament_id." , round = ".(string)$round_no." order position"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $tmp_row = $row; if ($row['status'] == 1) { $row = array_merge($row,array("print_team"=>"winner of ".$row['id_match_parent_a'])); } else { $row = array_merge($row,array("print_team"=>"teams".$row['id_team_a']));//team } $matches_avail[] = $row; $row = $tmp_row; if ($row['status'] == 1) { $row = array_merge($row,array("print_team"=>"winner of ".$row['id_match_parent_b'])); } else { $row = array_merge($row,array("print_team"=>"teams".$row['id_team_b']));//team b } $matches_avail[] = $row; unset($tmp_row); }return $matches_avail; } //************************************************************************************* // destructor // operation - frees memory held sql result sets //************************************************************************************* function __destruct() { mysql_free_result($this->result_servers); mysql_free_result($this->result_stvs); mysql_free_result($this->result_matches); mysql_free_result($this->result_teams); mysql_close(); } } ?> 

i couldn't find issues, cleaned code, maybe find issue.

<?php     include('include.php');     // php class bracket     // bracket builder gotgames     // author benjamin thomas     // october 2009     class bracket             {                     //bring in database details include.php                     var $username = db_user;                     var $password = db_pass;                     var $database = db_name;                     //init class variables                     var $tournament_name;                     var $tournament_size;                     var $tournament_format;                     var $tournament_id;                     var $result_servers;                     var $result_stvs;                     var $result_matches;                     var $result_teams;                     //*************************************************************************************                     // schedule bracket                     // input - tournament id used identify tournament scheduling                     // operation - constructor reads required information     databas , assigns following class values:                     // tournament_name;                     // tournament_size;                     // tournament_format;                     // tournament_id;                     // result_servers;                     // result_stvs;                     // result_matches;                     // result_teams;                     //*************************************************************************************                     function bracket($tourn_id)                             {                                     //save tournament id                                     $this->tournament_id = $tourn_id;                                     //collect required information draw bracket                                     mysql_connect('localhost', $this->username, $this->password);                                     @mysql_select_db($this->database) or die("unable select database");                                     $query = "select * tms_tournament id = " . $tourn_id;                                     $result_tournament = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed');                                     $row                     = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tournament);                                     $this->tournament_name   = $row['name'];                                     $this->tournament_size   = $row['size'];                                     $this->tournament_format = $row['format'];                                     mysql_free_result($result_tournament);                                     //read , save information database                                     $query = "select * tms_servers id_tournament = " . $tourn_id;                                     $this->result_servers = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed');                                     $query = "select * tms_stvs id_tournament = " . $tourn_id;                                     $this->result_stvs = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed');                                     $query = "select * tms_matches id_tournament = " . $tourn_id;                                     $this->result_matches = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed');                                     $query = "select * tms_teams_" . $tourn_id . " id_tournament = " . $tourn_id;                                     $this->result_teams = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed');                             }                     //*************************************************************************************                     // function draw                     // operation - called display single elimination bracket                     //*************************************************************************************                     function draw( )                             {                                     $total_rounds = log($this->tournament_size, 2) + 1;                                     //total rounds                                     $row          = array( );                                     $col          = array(                                                     $row                                     );                                     //create data type hold our bracket information                                     //generate datastructure hold information required layout bracket                                     for($i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds; $i++)                                             {                                                     $round_matches = $this->getmatches($i);                                                     $matches       = pow(2, $total_rounds - $i);                                                     //calc how many matches round                                                     $interval      = pow(2, $i);                                                     // calc interval layout spacing                                                     $offset        = pow(2, $i - 1);                                                     // each round offset differnt amount form bracket pyramid                                                     for($c = 1; $c <= ($this->tournament_size * 2) + 1; $c++)                                                             {                                                                     if($c < $offset)                                                                             {                                                                                     // blank space                                                                                     $col[$i][$c] = 0;                                                                             } //$c < $offset                                                                     elseif($c > (($this->tournament_size * 2) + 1) - $offset)                                                                             {                                                                                     // blank space                                                                                     $col[$i][$c] = 0;                                                                             } //$c > (($this->tournament_size * 2) + 1) - $offset                                                                     elseif($c == $offset)                                                                             {                                                                                     if($i == $total_rounds)                                                                                             {                                                                                                     //no match tournament winner                                                                                                     $col[$i][$c] = "champion";                                                                                             } //$i == $total_rounds                                                                                     else                                                                                             {                                                                                                     //print team here                                                                                                     $tmp_array   = array_shift($round_matches);                                                                                                     $col[$i][$c] = $tmp_array['print_team'];                                                                                             }                                                                             } //$c == $offset                                                                     elseif((($c - $offset) % $interval) == 0)                                                                             {                                                                                     //print team here                                                                                     $tmp_array   = array_shift($round_matches);                                                                                     $col[$i][$c] = $tmp_array['print_team'];                                                                             } //(($c - $offset) % $interval) == 0                                                                     elseif($c == ($offset * 2))                                                                             {                                                                                     //print match here                                                                                     $col[$i][$c] = "match" . $tmp_array['id'];                                                                             } //$c == ($offset * 2)                                                                     elseif((($c - $offset * 2) % ($interval * 2)) == 0)                                                                             {                                                                                     //print match here                                                                                     $col[$i][$c] = "match" . $tmp_array['id'];                                                                             } //(($c - $offset * 2) % ($interval * 2)) == 0                                                                     else                                                                             {                                                                                     $col[$i][$c] = 0;                                                                                     // blank space                                                                             }                                                                     print("<br>");                                                             } //$c = 1; $c <= ($this->tournament_size * 2) + 1; $c++                                                     // layout bracket using html tables , data struct created above: col                                                     print("<table width='100%' border='5'>");                                                     print("<tr>");                                                     for($i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds - 1; $i++)                                                             {                                                                     print("<th>round " . (string) $i . "</th>");                                                             } //$i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds - 1; $i++                                                     print("</tr>");                                                     for($c = 1; $c <= ($this->tournament_size * 2); $c++)                                                             {                                                                     print("<tr>");                                                                     for($i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds + 1; $i++)                                                                             {                                                                                     if(strcmp(substr($col[$i][$c], 0, 5), "match") == 0)                                                                                             {                                                                                                     $tmp_array = $this->getmatch(substr($col[$i][$c], 5));                                                                                                     $datetime  = new datetime($tmp_array['timestamp']);                                                                                                     print("<td align='center' bgcolor='#ffe4e1'><table><tr><td     align='center'>" . $datetime->format("d, js f y ga") . "</td></tr><tr><td     align='center'>stv - " . $this->getstvdetails($tmp_array['id_stv']) . "</td></tr></table>    </td>");                                                                                             } //strcmp(substr($col[$i][$c], 0, 5), "match") == 0                                                                                     elseif(strcmp(substr($col[$i][$c], 0, 5), "teams") == 0)                                                                                             {                                                                                                     print("<td align='center' bgcolor='#dddddd'>" . $this->getteamname(substr($col[$i][$c], 5)) . "</td>");                                                                                             } //strcmp(substr($col[$i][$c], 0, 5), "teams") == 0                                                                                     elseif($col[$i][$c])                                                                                             {                                                                                                     print("<td align='center' bgcolor='#dddddd'>" . $col[$i][$c] . "</td>");                                                                                             } //$col[$i][$c]                                                                                     else                                                                                             {                                                                                                     print("<td height='40'></td>");                                                                                             }                                                                             } //$i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds + 1; $i++                                                                     print("</tr>");                                                             } //$c = 1; $c <= ($this->tournament_size * 2); $c++                                                     print("</table>");                                             } //$i = 1; $i <= $total_rounds; $i++                             }                     //*************************************************************************************                     // function getmatch                     // input - match_id                     // operation - retrives information saved parsed match_id                     //*************************************************************************************                     function getmatch($match_id)                             {                                     $query  = "select * tms_matches id = " . (string) $match_id;                                     $result = mysql_query($query);                                     $row    = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);                                     mysql_free_result($result);                                     return $row;                             }                     //*************************************************************************************                     // function getteamname                     // input - team_id                     // operation - returns name of team parsed team id                     //***********************************************************************************    **                     function getteamname($team_id)                             {                                     $query = "select name tms_teams_" . (string) $this->tournament_id . " id =     " . (string) $team_id;                                     $result = mysql_query($query) or die('error, query failed');                                     return mysql_result($result, 0);                             }                     //*************************************************************************************                     // function getstvdetails                     // input - stv_id                     // operation - returns ip address of parsed stv id                     //*************************************************************************************                     function getstvdetails($stv_id)                             {                                     $query  = "select address tms_stvs id = " . (string) $stv_id;                                     $result = mysql_query($query);                                     return mysql_result($result, 0);                             }                     //*************************************************************************************                     // function getmatches                     // input round_no                     // operation - returns array of matches parse round. array sorted position field.                     //*************************************************************************************                     function getmatches($round_no)                             {                                     $matches_avail = array( );                                     $tmp_row       = array( );                                     $query         = "select * tms_matches id_tournament = " . $this->tournament_id . "     , round = " . (string) $round_no . " order position";                                     $result        = mysql_query($query);                                     while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))                                             {                                                     $tmp_row = $row;                                                     if($row['status'] == 1)                                                             {                                                                     $row = array_merge($row, array(                                                                                     "print_team" => "winner of     " . $row['id_match_parent_a']                                                                     ));                                                             } //$row['status'] == 1                                                     else                                                             {                                                                     $row = array_merge($row, array(                                                                                     "print_team" => "teams" . $row['id_team_a']                                                                     ));                                                                     //team                                                             }                                                     $matches_avail[ ] = $row;                                                     $row              = $tmp_row;                                                     if($row['status'] == 1)                                                             {                                                                     $row = array_merge($row, array(                                                                                     "print_team" => "winner of     " . $row['id_match_parent_b']                                                                     ));                                                             } //$row['status'] == 1                                                     else                                                             {                                                                     $row = array_merge($row, array(                                                                                     "print_team" => "teams" . $row['id_team_b']                                                                     ));                                                                     //team b                                                             }                                                     $matches_avail[ ] = $row;                                                     unset($tmp_row);                                             } //$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)                                     return $matches_avail;                             }                     //*************************************************************************************                     // destructor                     // operation - frees memory held sql result sets                     //*************************************************************************************                     function __destruct( )                             {                                     mysql_free_result($this->result_servers);                                     mysql_free_result($this->result_stvs);                                     mysql_free_result($this->result_matches);                                     mysql_free_result($this->result_teams);                                     mysql_close();                             }             }     ?> 


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