ios - Alert Message with links to navigate to different scenes in an Swift application -

i need develop alert message links navigate different scenes in swift application.

please suggest me techniques or sample codes


you implement alert so:

let alertcontroller = uialertcontroller(title: "hi", message: "...", preferredstyle: .alert)  let cancelaction = uialertaction(title: "cancel", style: .cancel) { (action) in     self.performseguewithidentifier("seguetitle", sender: self) } alertcontroller.addaction(cancelaction)  let okaction = uialertaction(title: "ok", style: .default) { (action) in     self.performseguewithidentifier("seguetitle", sender: self) } alertcontroller.addaction(okaction)  self.presentviewcontroller(alertcontroller, animated: true) {     // ... } 


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