sorting - How to sort by two fields in Java? -

i have array of objects person ( int age; string name;).

how sort array persons going alphabetically sorted , age ?

which algorithm ?

you can use collections.sort follows:

private static void order(list<person> persons) {      collections.sort(persons, new comparator() {          public int compare(object o1, object o2) {              string x1 = ((person) o1).getname();             string x2 = ((person) o2).getname();             int scomp = x1.compareto(x2);              if (scomp != 0) {                return scomp;             } else {                integer x1 = ((person) o1).getage();                integer x2 = ((person) o2).getage();                return x1.compareto(x2);             }     }}); } 

list<persons> sorted name, age.

string.compareto "compares 2 strings lexicographically" - docs.

collections.sort static method in native collections library. actual sorting, need provide comparator defines how 2 elements in list should compared: achieved providing own implementation of compare method.


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