spring data neo4j 4 - SDN4 - Error mapping GraphModel to instance -

in web app storing , authenticating users against neo4j server.

in flow if register app (thus saving user instance) , proceed login page can log in fine. if stop server , start again cannot log in. error is:

org.springframework.security.authentication.internalauthenticationserviceexception: error mapping graphmodel instance of co.foo.data.models.user 

the user in database. if delete user, register again , log in works fine until restart server, repeatable.

using sdn 4.0.0.rc1


public interface myuserdetailsservice extends userdetailsservice {     @override     userdetails loaduserbyusername(string username) throws usernamenotfoundexception, dataaccessexception;      user getuserfromsession();      @transactional     user register(string username, string firstname, string lastname, string password); }  public interface userrepository extends graphrepository<user>, myuserdetailsservice {     user findbyusername(string username); }  @primary @service public class userrepositoryimpl implements myuserdetailsservice {      @autowired     private userrepository userrepository;      @autowired     private passwordencoder passwordencoder;      private user findbyusername(string username) {         return userrepository.findbyusername(username);     }      @override     public userdetails loaduserbyusername(string username) throws usernamenotfoundexception, dataaccessexception {         final user user = findbyusername(username);         if (user==null) throw new usernamenotfoundexception("username not found: " + username);         return new myuserdetails(user);     }      @override     public user getuserfromsession() {         securitycontext context = securitycontextholder.getcontext();         authentication authentication = context.getauthentication();         object principal = authentication.getprincipal();         if (principal instanceof myuserdetails) {             myuserdetails userdetails = (myuserdetails) principal;             return userdetails.getuser();         }         return null;     }       @override     @transactional     public user register(string username, string firstname, string lastname, string password) {         user found = findbyusername(username);         if (found!=null) throw new runtimeexception("login taken: " + username);         if (firstname==null || firstname.isempty()) throw new runtimeexception("no first name provided.");         if (lastname==null || lastname.isempty()) throw new runtimeexception("no last name provided.");         if (password==null || password.isempty()) throw new runtimeexception("no password provided.");         user user = new user(username, firstname, lastname, password, null, passwordencoder, user.roles.role_user);         userrepository.save(user);         setuserinsession(user);         return user;     }      void setuserinsession(user user) {         securitycontext context = securitycontextholder.getcontext();         myuserdetails userdetails = new myuserdetails(user);         usernamepasswordauthenticationtoken authentication = new usernamepasswordauthenticationtoken(userdetails, user.getpassword(),userdetails.getauthorities());         context.setauthentication(authentication);     }      @target(elementtype.parameter)     @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime)     @documented     @authenticationprincipal     public @interface currentuser {      }  }  @configuration @enablewebsecurity @order(2) public class securityconfiguration extends websecurityconfigureradapter {      @override     protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {         http.authorizerequests()                 .antmatchers("/login/**", "/resources/**", "/web/register").permitall()                 .antmatchers("/web/**").authenticated()                 .and()                 .formlogin().loginprocessingurl("/login").failureurl("/login?authorization_error=true").defaultsuccessurl("/web/home").loginpage("/login").permitall()                 .and()                 .logout().logouturl("/logout").logoutsuccessurl("/login")                 .permitall();     }      @autowired     private myuserdetailsservice userdetailsservice;      @autowired     private passwordencoder passwordencoder;      @autowired     public void globaluserdetails(authenticationmanagerbuilder auth) throws exception {                 auth.userdetailsservice(userdetailsservice).passwordencoder(passwordencoder);     }      @override     @bean     public authenticationmanager authenticationmanagerbean() throws exception {         return super.authenticationmanagerbean();     } } 

user entity

@nodeentity public class user extends baseentity {      public static final string has_account = "has_account";      @index(unique = true)     private string username;     public string firstname;     public string lastname;     private string password;     private roles[] roles;      private yodleesession yodleesession;      @transient     private passwordencoder passwordencoder;      public user() {}      public user(string username, string firstname, string lastname, string password, yodleesession yodleesession, passwordencoder passwordencoder, roles... roles) {         this.username = username;         this.firstname = firstname;         this.lastname = lastname;         this.yodleesession = yodleesession;         this.passwordencoder = passwordencoder;         this.roles = roles;         this.password = encodepassword(password);     }      // getters      public string getfirstname() {         return firstname;     }      public string getlastname() {         return lastname;     }      public string getusername() {         return this.username;     }      public string getpassword() {         return password;     }      public yodleesession getyodleesession() {         return yodleesession;     }      public roles[] getroles() {         return roles;     }      // setters      public void setusername(string username) {         this.username = username;     }      public void setfirstname(string firstname) {         this.firstname = firstname;     }      public void setlastname(string lastname) {         this.lastname = lastname;     }      public void setyodleesession(yodleesession yodleesession) {         this.yodleesession = yodleesession;     }      public void setpassword(string password) {         encodepassword(password);     }      public void setpasswordencoder(passwordencoder passwordencoder) {         this.passwordencoder = passwordencoder;     }      // roles     public enum roles implements grantedauthority {         role_user, role_admin;          @override         public string getauthority() {             return name();         }     }      public void setroles(roles[] roles) {         this.roles = roles;     }       // bank accounts     @relationship(type=has_account, direction = relationship.outgoing)     private set<account> accounts;      public set<account> getaccounts() {         return this.accounts;     }      public void addaccount(account account) {         if (accounts == null) {             accounts = new hashset<account>();         }         accounts.add(account);     }      // password     private string encodepassword(string password) {         return passwordencoder.encode(password);     }      public void updatepassword(string old, string newpass1, string newpass2) {         if (!password.equals(encodepassword(old))) throw new illegalargumentexception("existing password invalid");         if (!newpass1.equals(newpass2)) throw new illegalargumentexception("new passwords don't match");         this.password = encodepassword(newpass1);     }      @override     public boolean equals(object o) {         if (this == o) return true;         if (o == null || getclass() != o.getclass()) return false;          user user = (user) o;         if (nodeid == null) return super.equals(o);         return nodeid.equals(user.nodeid);      } } 

this not directly caused spring caused npe when sdn tries create object, calling setpassword() in turn tries use passwordencoder field null.

i tried autowire field this question shows entities don't autowire.

furthermore couldn't autowiring work anyway made workaround in setpassword method.


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