ruby on rails - ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR: permission denied for relation schema_migrations -

i have local project, rails , postgres. threw on aws amazon linux ami. have run test projects rails , postgres on server. when uploaded local project, , try run

rake db:migrate 

i following error:

activerecord::statementinvalid: pg::insufficientprivilege: error:  permission denied relation schema_migrations 

i saw similar issues, none of them help. have proper role setup , connected.

i'm not sure if you're running rake db:migrate rails_env production or development. whichever (development default), in config/database.yml user, password, , database running on. user must have all privileges on public.schema_migrations table. if does, , it's still not working, make sure user has privileges on public schema.

read more manipulating postgres database privileges here. postgres has excellent documentation.

one more thing: if you're creating database locally, , trying create initial database instead of running migration, use rake db:schema:load instead of rake db:migrate. never run on production, delete data!


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