mvc - iis7 url rewrite for webforms aspx to mvc page -

i have had website /contact.aspx gets succesful redirect /contact want redirect old /content.aspx?contentid=123 /about/123 here redirect xml part in web.config:

<rewrite>     <rules>         <rule name="contact" patternsyntax="wildcard" stopprocessing="true">             <match url="contact.aspx" />             <action type="redirect" url="contact" redirecttype="found" />         </rule>         <rule name="content" patternsyntax="wildcard" stopprocessing="true">             <match url="content.aspx?contentid=*" />             <action type="redirect" url="about/{r:1}" appendquerystring="false" redirecttype="found" />         </rule>     </rules> </rewrite> 

visiting gives me 404. tried without appendquerystring="false" seems easy fix me, missing something...

using regex instead of wildcard gives 404:

<rule name="content">     <match url="content.aspx?contentid=([0-9]+)" />     <action type="redirect" url="about/{r:1}" redirecttype="found" /> </rule> 

from iis rewrite module configuration documentation.

the url string evaluated against pattern not include query string. include query string in rule evaluation can use query_string server variable in rule’s condition.

so after big of test jiggery-pokery, think should work:

<rule name="content" patternsyntax="ecmascript" stopprocessing="true">     <match url="content.aspx" />     <conditions>         <add input="{query_string}" pattern="contentid=([^&amp;]+)" />     </conditions>     <action type="redirect" url="about/{c:1}" redirecttype="found" appendquerystring="false" /> </rule> 


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