angularjs - How do I mock an Angular controller when I compile the directive? -

i have following angular code...

<!-- directive template --> <div style="display:hidden" ng-if="ctrl.test()"> ... // controller ... this.test = function() {     return false; } 

now need mock ctrl.test can test dom rendered when true (this isn't real code demo why returns false). try following test...

    beforeeach(module('mod'));     var $controller, $scope, $httpbackend, $rootscope, $compile;     beforeeach(inject(function(_$controller_, _$rootscope_, _$httpbackend_, _$compile_){         $rootscope = _$rootscope_;         $scope = _$rootscope_.$new();         $httpbackend = _$httpbackend_;         $controller = _$controller_(impactformcontroller, {             $scope: $scope         });         $compile = _$compile_;     }));     describe("form functionality", function(){         it("submitting saves form properly", function() {             //todo should check response seems uness.             var compiled = $compile('<my-d></my-d>')($rootscope);             $rootscope.$digest();             var controller = compiled.controller('my-d');             spyon(controller, "test").and.returnvalue(true);             $rootscope.$digest();             console.log(json.stringify(controller.test()));             console.log(json.stringify(compiled[0].innerhtml));         });      }) 

the console calling method returns true expected. however, dom never updated. after mock expect this...

<div class="wrapper">   <div style="display:hidden"> </div> <!-- ng-if --> </div> 

i tried...

// trying recompile spyon(controller, "test").and.returnvalue(true); $rootscope.$digest(); var recompiled = $compile(elem)($rootscope); console.log(json.stringify(recompiled[0].innerhtml)); 

still nothing.


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