c# - How to check valid selection when adding data from combo boxes? -
i have 2 combo boxes , add button on view, both combo boxes must have item selected them in order there valid selection.
i tried disabling add button's enabled property if both combo boxes have no selection, button re-enabled if 1 of combo boxes has been selected.
can suggest fix situation, or point out i've gone wrong setup?
the button's enabled property bound property in viewmodel:
//this button enable property bound combo boxes being selected -----> <button x:name="addgradebtn" grid.row="2" horizontalalignment="left" command="{binding path=addgradecommand}" content="add grade" isenabled="{binding buttonenabled, mode=twoway}" /> <combobox x:name="subjectcmbbx" grid.row="1" grid.columnspan="2" width="199" horizontalalignment="left" verticalalignment="top" displaymemberpath="subject" header="subjects" itemssource="{binding subjects}" placeholdertext="pick subject" selecteditem="{binding selectedsubject, mode=twoway}" /> <combobox x:name="ordinarygradecmbbx" grid.row="1" grid.column="0" grid.columnspan="2" width="170" horizontalalignment="right" displaymemberpath="key" header="grades" itemssource="{binding ordinarygradepointkv}" placeholdertext="pick grade" selectedvalue="{binding selectedordinarygrade, mode=twoway}" visibility="{binding ishigher, mode=twoway, converter={staticresource booltononvisibilityconverter}}" /> <combobox x:name="highergradecmbbx" grid.row="1" grid.column="0" grid.columnspan="2" width="170" horizontalalignment="right" displaymemberpath="key" header="grades" itemssource="{binding highergradepointkv}" placeholdertext="pick grade" selectedvalue="{binding selectedhighergrade, mode=twoway}" visibility="{binding ishigher, mode=twoway, converter={staticresource booltovisibilityconverter}}" />
and scaled down version of viewmodel:
namespace lc_points.viewmodel { public class mainviewmodel : viewmodelbase { private readonly irepository _repository = app.scoresrepository;
public mainviewmodel() { //call methods initilise list data initsubjecttypes(); initordinarygradepairs(); inithighergradepairs(); } public list<scoremodel> subjects { get; set; } public list<stringkeyvalue> highergradepointkv { get; set; } public list<stringkeyvalue> ordinarygradepointkv { get; set; } //button enabled binding set based on combo boxes being selected --> private scoremodel _selectedsubject; public scoremodel selectedsubject { { return _selectedsubject; } set { if (value != _selectedsubject) { _selectedsubject = value; raisepropertychanged("selectedsubject"); //i set buttons enabled property true combo box has been selected,
but want enabled if both combo boxes have been selected ---> buttonenabled = true; } else { buttonenabled = false; } } }
private stringkeyvalue _selectedhighergrade; public stringkeyvalue selectedhighergrade { { return _selectedhighergrade; } set { if (value != _selectedhighergrade) { _selectedhighergrade = value; raisepropertychanged("selectedhighergrade"); buttonenabled = true; } else { buttonenabled = false; } } } private stringkeyvalue _selectedordinarygrade; public stringkeyvalue selectedordinarygrade { { return _selectedordinarygrade; } set { if (value != _selectedordinarygrade) { _selectedordinarygrade = value; raisepropertychanged("selectedordinarygrade"); buttonenabled = true; } else { buttonenabled = false; } } } }
use multibinding button isenabled below,
<button.isenabled> <multibinding converter="{staticresource checkifbothselectedmulticonverter}"> <binding path="combo1" /> <binding path="combo2" /> </multibinding> </button.isenabled>
check condition in checkifbothselectedmulticonverter convertor, if both value true return true else false.
public class isenabledcheckconverter : imultivalueconverter { public object convert(object[ ] values, type targettype, object parameter, cultureinfo culture) { if(convert.toboolean(values[0]) && convert.toboolean(values[1])) { return true; } return false; } public object convert(object[ ] values, type targettype, object parameter, cultureinfo culture) { //convert logic } }
this got multi binding in win rt/universal app
<textblock fontsize="20" textwrapping="wrap" foreground="cyan"> <mb:multibindinglinker.attach> <mb:multibindings> <mb:multibinding targetproperty="text" converter="{staticresource concatmulticonverter}"> <mb:binding path="stringvalue" /> <mb:binding path="text" elementname="concattextbox1"/> <mb:binding path="text" elementname="concattextbox2" converter="{staticresource touppercaseconverter}"/> <mb:binding path="actualwidth" relativesource="{relativesource self}" /> </mb:multibinding> </mb:multibindings> </mb:multibindinglinker.attach> </textblock>
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