r - Can I get back info like: "hover location", "Brush location" or "click location" -

i want set interactive graph shiny , plotly. shiny has build in feature info user interaction. like: input$plot_click, input$plot_dblclick, input$plot_hover , input$plot_brush. see: http://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/plot-interaction.html

is there option on plotly api? or can api handle 1 direction?

plotly cool. love use in shiny apps.

thanks , best regards


yes, there click , hover bindings plotly graphs through postmessage api: https://github.com/plotly/postmessage-api

a sketch of how use postmessage api shiny here: http://moderndata.plot.ly/dashboards-in-r-with-shiny-plotly/

and code here: https://github.com/chriddyp/plotly-shiny


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