Maven Liquibase plugin executing previous changesets -

i able apply latest changes liquibase controlled database via maven. pom contains:

<plugin>                                                                                    <groupid>org.liquibase</groupid>                                                        <artifactid>liquibase-maven-plugin</artifactid>                                         <version>3.3.5</version>             <dependencies>                 <dependency>                     <groupid>mysql</groupid>                     <artifactid>mysql-connector-java</artifactid>                     <version>5.1.23</version>                 </dependency>             </dependencies>                                                              <configuration>                                                                             <changelogfile>src/main/resources/config/database/db-changelog-master.xml</changelogfile>                    <driver>com.mysql.jdbc.driver</driver>                                                  <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb</url>                                             <username>${db.user}</username>                                                               <password>${db.password}</password>                 <verbose>true</verbose>                                                       </configuration>                                                                        <executions>                                                                                <execution>                                                                                 <goals>                                                                                     <goal>update</goal>                                                                 </goals>                 </execution>                                                                        </executions>                                                                       </plugin>   

and when run mvn liquibase:update following:

[info]     driver: com.mysql.jdbc.driver [info]     url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb [info]     username: dbuser [info]     password: ***** [info]     use empty password: false [info]     properties file: null [info]     properties file override? false [info]     prompt on non-local database? true [info]     clear checksums? false [info]     changelogfile: src/main/resources/config/database/db-changelog-master.xml [info]     context(s): null [info]     label(s): null [info]     number of changes apply: 0 [info]     drop first? false [info]     ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [info] executing on database: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb info 23/07/15 13:09: liquibase: acquired change log lock info 23/07/15 13:09: liquibase: reading databasechangelog severe 23/07/15 13:09: liquibase: src/main/resources/config/database/db-changelog-master.xml: src/main/resources/config/database/changesets-001.xml::1000::gavin: change s et src/main/resources/config/database/changesets-001.xml::1000::gavin failed.  error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.mysqlsyntaxerrorexception: table 'tc_configuration' exists liquibase.exception.databaseexception:     com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.mysqlsyntaxerrorexception: table 'tc_configuration' exists 

it appears liquibase trying re-run changesets have been executed.

is there way run new changesets?

liquibase keeps track of has been executed in own tables. not if table tc_configuration exists, before deciding whether run sql statement creates it. instead, check in own tables if changeset wit given id has been executed. in case, apparently, tc_configuration table has been created outside of liquibase, or liquibase tables have been manipulated.

if start empty database , update liquibase:update, liquibase run newest changes, once.


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