javascript - jQuery Datatables scroll to bottom when a row is added -

i'd datatable scroll bottom whenever row added. have tried multiple fixes problem, none of them work.

tested solutions:

among others...

i think separates case others, using datatable d capitalized.

anyway, here current code:

var table = $('#example').datatable({           "createdrow": function( row, data, dataindex )            {              $(row).attr('id', 'row-' + dataindex);           },           "bpaginate": false,         "blengthchange": false,         "bfilter": false,         "binfo": false,         "bautowidth": false,         "scrolly":        $(window).height()/1.5,         "scrollcollapse": true,         "paging":         false,    });     for(var = 1; <= 20; i++){       table.row.add([           i,          'action'+i,       ]);    }       table.draw();     table.rowreordering(); 

it nice if table scrolled bottom whenever new row added it..


to scroll bottom of table, use code below:

var $scrollbody = $(table.table().node()).parent(); $scrollbody.scrolltop($scrollbody.get(0).scrollheight); 


$(document).ready( function () {     var table = $('#example').datatable({        "createdrow": function( row, data, dataindex ) {           $(row).attr('id', 'row-' + dataindex);          console.log($(row).closest('table').parent());        },        "scrolly":        $(window).height()/1.5,        "scrollcollapse": true,        "paging": false     });       $('#btn-add').click(function(){            for(var = 1; <= 10; i++){           table.row.add([               i,              + '.2',              + '.3',              + '.4',              + '.5',              + '.6'           ]);        }               table.draw();                // scroll bottom        var $scrollbody = $(table.table().node()).parent();        $scrollbody.scrolltop($scrollbody.get(0).scrollheight);     });         table.rowreordering();  } );
<!doctype html>  <html>    <head>  <meta charset=utf-8 />  <title>jquery datatables</title>    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  </head>      <body>      <button id="btn-add" type="button">add records</button>      <table id="example" class="display" width="100%">  <thead>  <tr>    <th>name</th>    <th>position</th>    <th>office</th>    <th>age</th>    <th>start date</th>    <th>salary</th>  </tr>  </thead>    <tfoot>  <tr>    <th>name</th>    <th>position</th>    <th>office</th>    <th>age</th>    <th>start date</th>    <th>salary</th>  </tr>  </tfoot>    <tbody>  </tbody>  </table>  </body>  </html>


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