c# - Cannot write log to LogEntries from Azure Web App -

from inside asp.net web api application (version 5) trying send logs logentries cannot. same code , configuration, can send logs localhost.

this code using send logs (with nlog:)

private static logger log = logmanager.getcurrentclasslogger();  public static void logstring(string message) {     log.error(builder.tostring()); } 

this web.config configuration:

<appsettings>     <add key="logentries.token" value="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" /> </appsettings>  <nlog> <extensions>   <add assembly="logentriesnlog" /> </extensions> <targets>   <target name="logentries" type="logentries" debug="true" httpput="false" ssl="false" layout="${date:format=ddd mmm dd} ${time:format=hh:mm:ss} ${date:format=zzz yyyy} ${logger} : ${level}, ${message}" /> </targets> <rules>   <logger name="*" minlevel="debug" appendto="logentries" /> </rules> 

when run code on production azure web app, not see logs on logentries console. when run on localhost, runs successfully.

i tried make simple http request webrequest class google.com , 200 server on azure. think azure app can access internet cannot / not access logentries servers reason.

how can diagnose this?

if on azure website standard system eventlog isn't there. such issue having not being able apply logs.

here detailed overview of options have available on azure sites.


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