javascript - OpenLayers 3 Polymer 1.0 module -

i'm trying make polymer module working openlayers 3 , displaying openstreetmaps. know there great module working leaflet need specifics functions map orientation.

anyway, code , it's working except 1 thing can't figure out : when page loads, commands showing (zoom + / zoom -) , not map (and not thing such marker, etc). if resize window (my chrome window mean) map appear , working fine !! thinking maybe in relation dom loading...

module code :

<dom-module id="openlayer-map">   <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">   <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>     <style>     :host {       display: block;     }      #map     {       position: absolute;       height: 100%;     }    </style>   <template>      <div id="map" class="map"></div>      <!-- tests     <input is="iron-input" bind-value="{{latitude}}" placeholder="latitude">     <input is="iron-input" bind-value="{{longitude}}" placeholder="longitude">     -->    </template> </dom-module> <script>   (function() {     polymer({       is: 'openlayer-map',        properties:       {         currentcenter: array,         currentview: ol.view,         olmap:,         geolocation: ol.geolocation,         layer: object,         longitude:         {           type: number,           value:12.889101100000062,           notify: true,           observer: '_updatelongitude'          },         latitude:          {           type: number,           value: 15.7622695,           notify: true,           observer: '_updatelatitude'          },         geotracking:         {           value: false,           type: boolean,           notify: true,         },          elemready: boolean,         },         ready: function()       {          console.log('openlayer-map ready');         this.initialconfig();         this.elemready = true;         this.setcenter(this.latitude,this.longitude);       },         initialconfig: function()       {             console.log('initial config map...');              this.currentview = new ol.view({               zoom: 14             });               var source = new ol.source.osm();             this.layer =  new ol.layer.tile();             this.layer.setsource(source);              this.olmap = new{               layers: [this.layer],               target: this.$.map,               controls: ol.control.defaults({                 attributionoptions: /** @type {olx.control.attributionoptions} */ ({                   collapsible: false                 })               }),               view: this.currentview             });              // localisation             this.geolocation = new ol.geolocation({               projection: this.currentview.getprojection()             });              this.geolocation.settracking(this.geotracking);             if(this.geolocation)             {                var accuracyfeature = new ol.feature();                this.geolocation.on('change:accuracygeometry', function() {                 accuracyfeature.setgeometry(this.geolocation.getaccuracygeometry());               }.bind(this));                var positionfeature = new ol.feature();               positionfeature.setstyle(new{                 image: new{                   radius: 6,                   fill: new{                     color: '#3399cc'                   }),                   stroke: new{                     color: '#fff',                     width: 2                   })                 })               }));               this.geolocation.on('change:position', function() {                 var coordinates = this.geolocation.getposition();                 positionfeature.setgeometry(coordinates ?                 new ol.geom.point(coordinates) : null);               }.bind(this));                var featuresoverlay = new ol.layer.vector({                 map: this.olmap,                 source: new ol.source.vector({                   features: [accuracyfeature, positionfeature]                 })               });             }       },         _updatelatitude: function(newvalue, oldvalue)       {             if(this.elemready)             {               console.log('update latitude '+oldvalue+' '+newvalue);               this.setcenter(newvalue, this.longitude);             }             else             {               console.log('_updatelatitude: waiting element ready');             }       },         _updatelongitude: function(newvalue, oldvalue)       {           if(this.elemready)           {             console.log('update longitude '+oldvalue+' '+newvalue);             this.setcenter(this.latitude, newvalue);           }           else           {             console.log('_updatelatitude: waiting element ready');           }       },        setcenter: function(latitude, longitude)       {          var center = [longitude, latitude];         this.currentcenter = ol.proj.fromlonlat(center);         console.log('update center of map latitude = '+latitude+' , longitude = '+longitude);         this.currentview.centeron(this.currentcenter,[400,400], [0,0]);        },      });   })(); </script> 

and call in polymer :

<openlayer-map latitude="48.853" longitude="2.35" geotracking></openlayer-map> 

any clue ?

found ! needed map initialization in asynchronous call

attached: function() {   this.async(function()   {     this.initialconfig(); // create here   }); }, 


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