rdf - Infer teacher-student relationships via courses? -

i have created ontology university, 1 discussed in this series of youtube videos.

there classes , instances of students, professors , courses. there "studies" , "teaches" properties relate students , professors classes.

<objectpropertyassertion>     <objectproperty iri="#teaches"/>     <namedindividual iri="#cadbury"/>     <namedindividual iri="#el101"/> </objectpropertyassertion>  <objectpropertyassertion>     <objectproperty iri="#studies"/>     <namedindividual iri="#hechinger"/>     <namedindividual iri="#el101"/> </objectpropertyassertion> 

is determining hechinger student of cadbury should able owl reasoning or inference in protege?

is determining hechinger student of cadbury should able owl reasoning or inference in protege?

if have isstudentof property, can define axioms make inference work. e.g., in case, you'd want assert chain


is subproperty of isstudentof. is, if student studies course, , course taught professor, student student of professor. here's looks in protege:

subproperty chain axiom


here's ontology, can load protege:

@prefix :      <urn:ex:#> . @prefix ex:    <urn:ex:#> . @prefix rdf:   <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix owl:   <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema#> . @prefix rdfs:  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .  ex:isstudentof                owl:objectproperty ;         owl:propertychainaxiom  ( ex:studies _:b0 ) .  ex:studies    owl:objectproperty .  _:b0    owl:inverseof  ex:teaches .  ex:el101      owl:thing , owl:namedindividual .  <urn:ex:>     owl:ontology .  ex:hechinger      owl:thing , owl:namedindividual ;         ex:studies  ex:el101 .  ex:teaches    owl:objectproperty .  ex:cadbury        owl:thing , owl:namedindividual ;         ex:teaches  ex:el101 . 


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