python - Why is my dictionary empty? -

newbie question again. i'm getting pairs of information several url, bs4 &urllib create list of list of list of pair. e.g : pair couple (name,value) e.g : list of pairs 1 url e.g : list of list of pairs able classify got in dictionary.

a list of list of pairs should :

list_of_list_of_pairs = [ [ [a,1],[c,2],[e,3] ], [ [g,4],[r,6] ... ], ... ]  

here code i'm using :

from bs4 import beautifulsoup import csv import urllib.request collections import *   def parse_csv(content, delimiter = ';'):  ##we use here ";" parse csv because of european way of dealing excel-csv   csv_data = []   line in content.split('\n'):     csv_data.append( [x.strip() x in line.split( delimiter )] ) # strips spaces   return csv_data  list_of_list_of_pairs=[] list_of_pairs=[]  list_url=parse_csv(open('url.csv','ru').read())     in range(0,len(list_url)) :      url=str(list_url[i][0]) ## read url array coming url-csv     page=urllib.request.urlopen(url)     soup_0 = beautifulsoup(,"html.parser")     restricted_webpage= soup_0.find( "div", {"id":"ingredients"} )     readable_restricted=str(restricted_webpage)     soup=beautifulsoup(readable_restricted,"html.parser")       trs = soup.find_all('tr')      tr in trs:         tds = tr.find_all("td")          try: #we using "try" because table not formatted. allows program continue after encountering error.             nutriments = str(tds[0].get_text().strip())             print(nutriments)         # structure $isolate item column in table , converts string.             quantity = str(tds[1].get_text().strip())             print(quantity)             pair=[nutriments,quantity]             list_of_pairs.append(pair)          except:             print ("bad tr string")             continue #this tells computer move on next item after encounters error list_of_list_of_pairs.append([list_of_pairs])  print(list_of_list_of_pairs) dico = defaultdict(list)  n,list_of_pairs in enumerate(list_of_list_of_pairs):     i,pairs in enumerate(list_of_pairs):         if (len(pairs) == 2):              cle = pairs[0]              val = pairs[1]              while (len(dico[cle]) < n):                    dico[cle].append(-1)              dico[cle].append(val) cle in dico:     while (len(dico[cle]) < len(list_of_list_of_pairs)):             dico[cle].append(-1) print(dico.items()) 

problem : dico.items() return empty.

i fear list of list of pairs not being read. maybe badly built. draw attention. number of "[" , "]" @ beginning , @ end of list. think that's way many.

that result of print(list_of_list_pairs) :

[[['cendres brutes (%)', '7.4'], ['cellulose brute (%)', '1.6'], ['fibres alimentaires (%)', '6.6'],..., [[['cendres brutes (%)', '7.4'], ['cellulose brute (%)', '1.6'], ['fibres alimentaires (%)', '6.6'], ['matière grasse (%)', '16.0'], ['acide linoléique (%)', '3.1'], ['energie métabolisable (calculée selon nrc85) (kcal/kg)', '3652.5'], ['energie métabolisable (mesurée) (kcal/kg)', '3900.0'], ['humidité (%)', '9.5'] ['arginine (%)', '1.54'], ['l-lysine (%)', '1.15']]], [[['cendres brutes (%)', '7.4'].. 


i think wrong. name cendres brutes (%) can appear 3 times in list (because there 1 in each url). think something's wrong. doesn't explain why dic empty. or maybe related.

any welcomed !

update : i'm trying : unorganized pairs of informations scrapped several urls , organized csv looks :

namekey valurl1 valurl2 valurl3         2.4     5.6    -1  b         1.2     4.2    -1  c        -1        -1    val .... 

a,b,c ... being can read "cendres brutes" , "acide linoléique" ...

update : print(list_of_list_of_pairs) returns :

[[[['cendres brutes (%)', '7.4'], ['cellulose brute (%)', '1.6'], ['fibres alimentaires (%)', '6.6'], ['matière grasse (%)', '16.0'], ['acide linoléique (%)', '3.1'], ['energie métabolisable (calculée selon nrc85) (kcal/kg)', '3652.5'], ['energie métabolisable (mesurée) (kcal/kg)', '3900.0'], ['humidité (%)', '9.5'], ['extrait non azoté (%)', '40.5'], ['oméga 6 (%)', '3.18'], ['protéine brute (%)', '25.0'], ['amidon (%)', '35.5'], ['chlore (%)', '1.43'], ['cuivre (mg/kg)', '15.0'], ['iode (mg/kg)', '2.9'], ['fer (mg/kg)', '167.0'], ['manganèse (mg/kg)', '68.0'], ['zinc (mg/kg)', '242.0'], ['biotine (mg/kg)', '3.13'], ['choline (mg/kg)', '1600.0'], ['acide folique (mg/kg)', '13.9'], ['vitamine (ui/kg)', '32000.0'], ['vitamine b1 thiamine (mg/kg)', '27.5'], ['vitamine b2 riboflavine (mg/kg)', '49.6'], ['vitamine b3 niacine (mg/kg)', '490.0'], ['vitamine b5 acide pantothénique (mg/kg)', '147.8'], ['vitamine b6 pyridoxine (mg/kg)', '77.1'], ['vitamine c (mg/kg)', '200.0'], ['vitamine d3 (ui/kg)', '800.0'], ['vitamine e (mg/kg)', '600.0'], ['arginine (%)', '1.53'], ['lutéine (mg/kg)', '5.0'], ['méthionine cystine (%)', '1.18'], ['taurine (mg/kg)', '2900.0'], ['acide arachidonique (%)', '0.07'], ['cendres brutes (%)', '6.1'], ['biotine (mg/kg)', '2.92'], ['fibres alimentaires (%)', '11.0'], ['dl-méthionine (%)', '0.5'], ['epa/dha (%)', '0.3'], ['matière grasse (%)', '12.0'], ['cellulose brute (%)', '3.7'], ['chlorure de glucosamine (mg/kg)', '495.0'], ['glucosamine plus chondroïtine (mg/kg)', '500.0'], ['l-carnitine (mg/kg)', '100.0'], ['acide linoléique (%)', '2.42'], ['lutéine (mg/kg)', '5.0'], ['energie métabolisable (calculée selon nrc85) (kcal/kg)', '3425.0'], ['energie métabolisable (mesurée) (kcal/kg)', '3584.0'], ['méthionine cystine (%)', '0.92'], ['humidité (%)', '9.5'], ['extrait non azoté (%)', '41.7'], ['oméga 3 (%)', '0.64'], ['oméga 6 (%)', '2.66'], ['phosphore (%)', '0.7'], ['protéine brute (%)', '27.0'], ['amidon (%)', '34.4'], ['taurine (mg/kg)', '3500.0'], ['vitamine (ui/kg)', '29000.0'], ['vitamine c (mg/kg)', '300.0'], ['vitamine e (mg/kg)', '600.0'], ['calcium (%)', '0.9'], ['polyphénols de thé vert et de raisins (mg/kg)', '150.0'], ['chlore (%)', '0.63'], ['cuivre (mg/kg)', '15.0'], ['iode (mg/kg)', '4.8'], ['fer (mg/kg)', '212.0'], ['magnésium (%)', '0.08'], ['manganèse (mg/kg)', '71.0'], ['potassium (%)', '0.7'], ['sélénium (mg/kg)', '0.29'], ['sodium (%)', '0.4'], ['zinc (mg/kg)', '201.0'], ['choline (mg/kg)', '2200.0'], ['acide folique (mg/kg)', '12.9'], ['vitamine b1 thiamine (mg/kg)', '25.7'], ['vitamine b12 cyanocobalamine (mg/kg)', '0.13'], ['vitamine b2 riboflavine (mg/kg)', '46.2'], ['vitamine b3 niacine (mg/kg)', '458.7'], ['vitamine b5 acide pantothénique (mg/kg)', '137.9'], ['vitamine b6 pyridoxine (mg/kg)', '72.0'], ['vitamine d3 (ui/kg)', '800.0'], ['arginine (%)', '1.52'], ['l-lysine (%)', '1.08'], ['acide arachidonique (%)', '0.07'], ['cendres brutes (%)', '5.9'], ['biotine (mg/kg)', '3.07'], ['fibres alimentaires (%)', '7.0'], ['dl-méthionine (%)', '0.65'], ['epa/dha (%)', '0.3'], ['matière grasse (%)', '16.0'], ['cellulose brute (%)', '1.3'], ['chlorure de glucosamine (mg/kg)', '495.0'], ['glucosamine plus chondroïtine (mg/kg)', '500.0'], ['l-carnitine (mg/kg)', '150.0'], ['acide linoléique (%)', '2.88'], ['lutéine (mg/kg)', '5.0'], ['energie métabolisable (calculée selon nrc85) (kcal/kg)', '3716.0'], ['energie métabolisable (mesurée) (kcal/kg)', '3964.0'], ['méthionine cystine (%)', '1.15'], ['humidité (%)', '9.5'], ['extrait non azoté (%)', '37.3'], ['oméga 3 (%)', '0.63'], ['oméga 6 (%)', '3.13'], ['phosphore (%)', '0.6'], ['protéine brute (%)', '30.0'], ['amidon (%)', '31.6'], ['taurine (mg/kg)', '2000.0'], ['vitamine (ui/kg)', '31000.0'], ['vitamine c (mg/kg)', '300.0'], ['vitamine e (mg/kg)', '600.0'], ['calcium (%)', '0.89'], ['polyphénols de thé vert et de raisins (mg/kg)', '150.0'], ['chlore (%)', '0.68'], ['cuivre (mg/kg)', '15.0'], ['iode (mg/kg)', '4.8'], ['fer (mg/kg)', '200.0'], ['magnésium (%)', '0.12'], ['manganèse (mg/kg)', '73.0'], ['potassium (%)', '0.65'], ['sélénium (mg/kg)', '0.27'], ['sodium (%)', '0.4'], ['zinc (mg/kg)', '205.0'], ['choline (mg/kg)', '2400.0'], ['acide folique (mg/kg)', '13.6'], ['vitamine b1 thiamine (mg/kg)', '26.9'], ['vitamine b12 cyanocobalamine (mg/kg)', '0.13'], ['vitamine b2 riboflavine (mg/kg)', '48.5'], ['vitamine b3 niacine (mg/kg)', '481.9'], ['vitamine b5 acide pantothénique (mg/kg)', '144.9'], ['vitamine b6 pyridoxine (mg/kg)', '75.6'], ['vitamine d3 (ui/kg)', '800.0'], ['arginine (%)', '1.54'], ['l-lysine (%)', '1.15']]]] 

update 2 : print(list_of_list_of_pairs[0][0]) returns :

[['cendres brutes (%)', '7.4'], ['cellulose brute (%)', '1.6'], ['fibres alimentaires (%)', '6.6'], ['matière grasse (%)', '16.0'], ['acide linoléique (%)', '3.1'], ['energie métabolisable (calculée selon nrc85) (kcal/kg)', '3652.5'], ['energie métabolisable (mesurée) (kcal/kg)', '3900.0'], ['humidité (%)', '9.5'], ['extrait non azoté (%)', '40.5'], ['oméga 6 (%)', '3.18'], ['protéine brute (%)', '25.0'], ['amidon (%)', '35.5'], ['chlore (%)', '1.43'], ['cuivre (mg/kg)', '15.0'], ['iode (mg/kg)', '2.9'], ['fer (mg/kg)', '167.0'], ['manganèse (mg/kg)', '68.0'], ['zinc (mg/kg)', '242.0'], ['biotine (mg/kg)', '3.13'], ['choline (mg/kg)', '1600.0'], ['acide folique (mg/kg)', '13.9'], ['vitamine (ui/kg)', '32000.0'], ['vitamine b1 thiamine (mg/kg)', '27.5'], ['vitamine b2 riboflavine (mg/kg)', '49.6'], ['vitamine b3 niacine (mg/kg)', '490.0'], ['vitamine b5 acide pantothénique (mg/kg)', '147.8'], ['vitamine b6 pyridoxine (mg/kg)', '77.1'], ['vitamine c (mg/kg)', '200.0'], ['vitamine d3 (ui/kg)', '800.0'], ['vitamine e (mg/kg)', '600.0'], ['arginine (%)', '1.53'], ['lutéine (mg/kg)', '5.0'], ['méthionine cystine (%)', '1.18'], ['taurine (mg/kg)', '2900.0'], ['acide arachidonique (%)', '0.07'], ['cendres brutes (%)', '6.1'], ['biotine (mg/kg)', '2.92'], ['fibres alimentaires (%)', '11.0'], ['dl-méthionine (%)', '0.5'], ['epa/dha (%)', '0.3'], ['matière grasse (%)', '12.0'], ['cellulose brute (%)', '3.7'], ['chlorure de glucosamine (mg/kg)', '495.0'], ['glucosamine plus chondroïtine (mg/kg)', '500.0'], ['l-carnitine (mg/kg)', '100.0'], ['acide linoléique (%)', '2.42'], ['lutéine (mg/kg)', '5.0'], ['energie métabolisable (calculée selon nrc85) (kcal/kg)', '3425.0'], ['energie métabolisable (mesurée) (kcal/kg)', '3584.0'], ['méthionine cystine (%)', '0.92'], ['humidité (%)', '9.5'], ['extrait non azoté (%)', '41.7'], ['oméga 3 (%)', '0.64'], ['oméga 6 (%)', '2.66'], ['phosphore (%)', '0.7'], ['protéine brute (%)', '27.0'], ['amidon (%)', '34.4'], ['taurine (mg/kg)', '3500.0'], ['vitamine (ui/kg)', '29000.0'], ['vitamine c (mg/kg)', '300.0'], ['vitamine e (mg/kg)', '600.0'], ['calcium (%)', '0.9'], ['polyphénols de thé vert et de raisins (mg/kg)', '150.0'], ['chlore (%)', '0.63'], ['cuivre (mg/kg)', '15.0'], ['iode (mg/kg)', '4.8'], ['fer (mg/kg)', '212.0'], ['magnésium (%)', '0.08'], ['manganèse (mg/kg)', '71.0'], ['potassium (%)', '0.7'], ['sélénium (mg/kg)', '0.29'], ['sodium (%)', '0.4'], ['zinc (mg/kg)', '201.0'], ['choline (mg/kg)', '2200.0'], ['acide folique (mg/kg)', '12.9'], ['vitamine b1 thiamine (mg/kg)', '25.7'], ['vitamine b12 cyanocobalamine (mg/kg)', '0.13'], ['vitamine b2 riboflavine (mg/kg)', '46.2'], ['vitamine b3 niacine (mg/kg)', '458.7'], ['vitamine b5 acide pantothénique (mg/kg)', '137.9'], ['vitamine b6 pyridoxine (mg/kg)', '72.0'], ['vitamine d3 (ui/kg)', '800.0'], ['arginine (%)', '1.52'], ['l-lysine (%)', '1.08'], ['acide arachidonique (%)', '0.07'], ['cendres brutes (%)', '5.9'], ['biotine (mg/kg)', '3.07'], ['fibres alimentaires (%)', '7.0'], ['dl-méthionine (%)', '0.65'], ['epa/dha (%)', '0.3'], ['matière grasse (%)', '16.0'], ['cellulose brute (%)', '1.3'], ['chlorure de glucosamine (mg/kg)', '495.0'], ['glucosamine plus chondroïtine (mg/kg)', '500.0'], ['l-carnitine (mg/kg)', '150.0'], ['acide linoléique (%)', '2.88'], ['lutéine (mg/kg)', '5.0'], ['energie métabolisable (calculée selon nrc85) (kcal/kg)', '3716.0'], ['energie métabolisable (mesurée) (kcal/kg)', '3964.0'], ['méthionine cystine (%)', '1.15'], ['humidité (%)', '9.5'], ['extrait non azoté (%)', '37.3'], ['oméga 3 (%)', '0.63'], ['oméga 6 (%)', '3.13'], ['phosphore (%)', '0.6'], ['protéine brute (%)', '30.0'], ['amidon (%)', '31.6'], ['taurine (mg/kg)', '2000.0'], ['vitamine (ui/kg)', '31000.0'], ['vitamine c (mg/kg)', '300.0'], ['vitamine e (mg/kg)', '600.0'], ['calcium (%)', '0.89'], ['polyphénols de thé vert et de raisins (mg/kg)', '150.0'], ['chlore (%)', '0.68'], ['cuivre (mg/kg)', '15.0'], ['iode (mg/kg)', '4.8'], ['fer (mg/kg)', '200.0'], ['magnésium (%)', '0.12'], ['manganèse (mg/kg)', '73.0'], ['potassium (%)', '0.65'], ['sélénium (mg/kg)', '0.27'], ['sodium (%)', '0.4'], ['zinc (mg/kg)', '205.0'], ['choline (mg/kg)', '2400.0'], ['acide folique (mg/kg)', '13.6'], ['vitamine b1 thiamine (mg/kg)', '26.9'], ['vitamine b12 cyanocobalamine (mg/kg)', '0.13'], ['vitamine b2 riboflavine (mg/kg)', '48.5'], ['vitamine b3 niacine (mg/kg)', '481.9'], ['vitamine b5 acide pantothénique (mg/kg)', '144.9'], ['vitamine b6 pyridoxine (mg/kg)', '75.6'], ['vitamine d3 (ui/kg)', '800.0'], ['arginine (%)', '1.54'], ['l-lysine (%)', '1.15']] 

it seems list_of_list_of_paris badly built. don't understand why.

since have list of list of pairs, list_of_list_of_pairs[n] still list of pairs, not pairs.

but code assuming list_of_list_of_pairs[n] pair , isn't. should iterate on first list_of_list_of_pairs , elements in (which list of pairs) , try add them dictionary.

example -

for n,list_of_pairs in enumerate(list_of_list_of_pairs):     i,pairs in enumerate(list_of_pairs):         if (len(pairs) == 2):             cle = pairs[0]             val = pairs[1]             #do rest of logic. 

also, have loop -

for cle in dico:     while (len(dico[cle]) < len(s)):             dico[cle].append(-1) 

but not see s being defined anywhere, s supposed be?


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