python - Make bokeh charts with interactive controls in django -

i have django application uses embedded bokeh visualizations.

right using bokeh.embed.components function , template like:

<body>     {{the_div|safe}}      {{the_script|safe}} </body> 

thanks this stackoverflow question.

the thing need create more interactive visualizations, adding sliders, checkboxes , other controls.

this example looks want, except couple of issues:

  1. i don't know how embed kind of object inside django. this way go, perhaps it's not.
  2. i'm little bit confused having use bokeh-server this. isn't there easy-to-use pure javascript solution?

so, summarizing, know standard approach create dynamic chart interactions using django , bokeh.

there 2 use cases:

without server

if can perform updates in js (don't need call actual python code), easy add interactions using customjs callbacks. there lots of examples @ link, basic simple code sample looks like:

from import vform bokeh.models import customjs, columndatasource, slider bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show  output_file("callback.html")  x = [x*0.005 x in range(0, 200)] y = x  source = columndatasource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))  plot = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400) plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6)  callback = customjs(args=dict(source=source), code="""     var data = source.get('data');     var f = cb_obj.get('value')     x = data['x']     y = data['y']     (i = 0; < x.length; i++) {         y[i] = math.pow(x[i], f)     }     source.trigger('change'); """)  slider = slider(start=0.1, end=4, value=1, step=.1,                  title="power", callback=callback)  layout = vform(slider, plot)  show(layout) 

that create standalone html document bokeh plot , slider, updates plot in reaction slider, no need server (i.e. email or serve on static page , work).

with server

if want widgets, interactions, etc. drive actual python code (e.g. scikit-learn, or pandas) need use bokeh server. happily new server of version 0.11 more robust, performant, scalable, , simple use. can see several live deployed bokeh applications (with links source code) here:

as extensive documentation various kinds of deployments in documentation here:


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