Generate SHA256 in c++ -

i need generate sha256 of data. found this example one. question can generate sha256 using own key.


first of all, sorry wrong question. don't mean change key used generate sha256. need that, convert following java code c++

public static string calculatehmac(string data, string key) throws exception { string result; try {     // hmac_sha2 key raw key bytes     secretkeyspec signingkey = new secretkeyspec(key.getbytes(), hmac_sha2_algorithm);      // hmac_sha1 mac instance , initialize signing key     mac sha256_hmac = mac.getinstance(hmac_sha2_algorithm);     sha256_hmac.init(signingkey);      // compute hmac on input data bytes     byte[] rawhmac = sha256_hmac.dofinal(data.getbytes());      // base64-encode hmac      stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();     char[] chararray = base64.encode(rawhmac);         ( char : chararray){             sb.append(a);             }         result = sb.tostring();     }     catch (exception e) {         throw new signatureexception("failed generate hmac : " + e.getmessage());     }     return result; } 

i recommend free crypto++ library. here's sample hmac.


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