Spring boot with gradle and log4j2 not logs to file -

i have start working spring boot , gradle , trying use log4j2 logging. first compiling , building:

gradlew clean build 

and after execute jar:

java -jar build/libs/java-apns-notifier-0.1.0.jar 

after executing jar can see log in console not in file mentioned in log4j2.xml(d:/temp/logs/apns.log). in file can see logs springframework not code.
question how make simple scenario work?
want see logs appears in log file.

here source code: java apple push notification service notifier

have noticed logs appears. after kill process. clarify here going on:

  1. run jar with:

java -jar build/libs/java-apns-notifier-0.1.0.jar

-> nothing appears in log file

  1. kill process in comand line.
    -> log appears in log file

the log taking time appear in log file because using


if switch true, see logs appearing immediately, might impact performance of application.

by default, bufferedio true , buffersize 8192 bytes. means logs written disk after buffer has 8192 chars.

refer https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/appenders.html more details.


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