java - <h:commandButton> inside <c:forEach> doesn't trigger method -

i'm beginner jsf , i've small problem, if use h:commandbutton inside c:foreach doesn't trigger method if use outside c:foreach works. in code below "first test" works not "second test".

do guys have idea why doesn't work?

thanks in advance

<p:panel>     <h:panelgrid id="searchresult">         <!--  first test -->         <h:commandbutton value="id" action="#{database.addshow(257655)}">             <f:ajax execute="@this"/>         </h:commandbutton>          <!--  second test -->         <c:foreach items="#{thetvdb.series}" var="item">             <h:panelgroup styleclass="searchresultelement" layout="block">                 <h:outputtext value="#{}"/><br/>                  <h:graphicimage value="#{item.banner}" />                  <h:commandbutton value="#{}" action="#{database.addshow(257655)}">                     <f:ajax execute="@this"/>                 </h:commandbutton>             </h:panelgroup>         </c:foreach>     </h:panelgrid> </p:panel> 

update : answer in topic doesn't work


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