perl - How to check service success or error in controller in angularJS -

i have function in controller calls service function. code both.


 $scope.addnewproduct = function (newproduct)  {      var newproduct = {};      newproduct.productid =;     newproduct.productname =;     newproduct.productimagepath = newproduct.imagepath;     newproduct.subcategoryid =;     newproduct.subcategoryname =;     newproduct.brandid =;     newproduct.brandname =;     newproduct.variants = [];      productservice.addnewproduct(newproduct);     $scope.newproduct = {};     $ = parseint($scope.products[0].productid) + 1;  }; 


productservice.addnewproduct = function(newproduct)  {      productlist.unshift(newproduct);     var req = {         url: "cgi-bin/",         method: 'get',         params: {productid: newproduct.productid, productname: newproduct.productname, productimagepath: newproduct.productimagepath, brandid: newproduct.brandid, subcategoryid: newproduct.subcategoryid}         //params: { newproduct: productdata }     };      $http(req).success(function()     {         alert ('new product added!');     })     .error(function()     {         alert ('new product add error!');     });  } 

perl script adding product.

#!/usr/bin/perl use cpaneluserconfig;  use strict; use warnings; use dbi; use cgi::carp qw(warningstobrowser fatalstobrowser); use cgi; use cgi::cookie; use cgi::session qw(); use json;  print "content-type: text/html\n\n";  $cfg = ""; $db_handle = dbi->connect ("dbi:mysql:$cfg->{database}", $cfg->{user}, $cfg->{password} ) or die "couldn't connect database: $dbi::errstr\n";  $cgi = cgi->new(); #my $decodeddata = decode_json($cgi->param("newproduct"));  $product_id = $cgi->param('productid'); $product_name = $cgi->param('productname'); $product_description = 'desc'; $image_path = $cgi->param('productimagepath'); $brand_id = $cgi->param('brandid'); $subcatty_id = $cgi->param('subcategoryid');  $sql_query = "insert table_products values ($product_id, '$product_name', '$product_description', '$image_path', '$brand_id', 1)"; $statement = $db_handle->prepare ($sql_query) or die "couldn't prepare query '$sql_query': $dbi::errstr\n";   $statement->execute() or die "sql error: $dbi::errstr\n";    $sql_query = "insert table_product_categories values ($product_id, '$subcatty_id')"; $statement = $db_handle->prepare ($sql_query) or die "couldn't prepare query '$sql_query': $dbi::errstr\n";   $statement->execute() or die "sql error: $dbi::errstr\n";    $db_handle->disconnect; 

i have following issues code.

  1. sometimes products not getting added db, in service seeing alert ('new product added!'); why so? why not going alert ('new product add error!');

  2. how check success or error in controller instead of service?

please me.

  1. may returning http status code 200 after request when not inserting database, if data not insert correctly, need return $http error.

  2. you can return $http promise service below,

    productservice.addnewproduct = function(newproduct)  {      productlist.unshift(newproduct);     var req = {           url: "cgi-bin/",           method: 'get',           params: {productid: newproduct.productid, productname: newproduct.productname, productimagepath: newproduct.productimagepath, brandid: newproduct.brandid, subcategoryid: newproduct.subcategoryid}           //params: { newproduct: productdata }      };        return $http(req);   } 

in controller,

productservice.addnewproduct(newproduct).then(function(data) {       // success  }, function(data) {       // error  }); 


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