angularjs - How to make a template repeat -

i have directive, want template show rows data set

app.directive('exampledirective', [ 'testprovider', 'testfactory', function (testprovider, testfactory) { return {     restrict: 'e',     template: '<tr><td>{{name}} </td><td>{{surname}}</td></tr>',     replace: true,     link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {        var dat= testfactory.datareturn();        (var = 0; < dat.length; i++) {        = dat[i].name;                scope.surname = dat[i].surname;            console.log(dat[i]);        }         // alert("hah");     } }; }]); 

how can make repeat ng-repeat ?

assuming service returning promise. here simple code repeat data in table.

app.directive('exampledirective', [ 'testprovider', 'testfactory', function (testprovider, testfactory) { return {     restrict: 'e',     template: '<table ng-repeat="person  in  persons"><tr><td>{{  }} </td><td>{{person.surname}}</td></tr></table>',     replace: true,     link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {         testfactory.datareturn().then(function(resp){             scope.persons =;         });     } }; }]); 


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