powershell - Eliminate Inner Loop -

i have 2 loops in program.first loop setting retry peocess , inner loop testing connection status.

for($retry=0;$retry<=3;$retry++) { while (!(test-connection "mycomputer"))    {     if (time exceed)     {     $status=$false     write-host "machine offline"     break     } } if($status) { write-host "machine online" break } 


is there way eliminate inner loop without changing output

not entirely sure mean "time exceeded" - time what?

if want wait between test-connection attempts, can introduce artificial delay start-sleep:

$computer = "mycomputer" $timeoutseconds = 5  for($retry=0; $retry -lt 3; $retry++) {     if(test-connection -computername $computer -count 1 -quiet){         # didn't work         write-host "machine offline"         # let's wait few seconds before retry         start-sleep -seconds $timeoutseconds     } else {         write-host "machine online!"         break     } } 

the easiest way however, use count , delay parameters of test-connection:

$status = test-connection -computername $computer -count 3 -delay $timeoutseconds 


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