ios - Can I assign two buttons to a same action or outlet in Xcode 7? -

i have created user interface iphones in 'w compact h any' tab in interface builder. decided make different interface ipad version of app, in 'w regular h regular', when dragging buttons , labels actions , outlets in viewcontroller.h file, replace buttons , labels in other interface.

is there way can preserve both @ same time?

you can click+drag from ibaction method's little connector circle straight to control in storyboard, if it's been connected 1 (and think can drag storyboard object ibaction too).

just keep in mind if you're using different classes, you'll want use id , check class name before stuff it:

- (ibaction)buttonpressed:(id)sender {     if ([sender iskindofclass:[uibutton class]]) {         //     } } 

to verify it's connected both, click method circle:

if you're writing swift in xcode 7 or 8, method created use any type; you'll need change uibutton in order work:

@ibaction func buttonpressed(sender: uibutton) {     //                                  ^ } 


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