Websphere Liberty profile - ant tasks for jsp and ejbs -

i pretty new websphere liberty profile.
liberty provides ant tasks compile jsps , ejbs?
same available in full profile , using targets build our application.
example jsp compilation class name (com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.jspc) , ejb task class name (com.ibm.websphere.ant.tasks.wsejbdeploy) . not finding in liberty profile. see target related server, deploy , undeploy in wlp-anttasks.jar.
need build application outside of liberty profile , deploy it.

as far know, liberty profile not provide way precompile jsps. ibm might support binaries use jsp batch compiler full profile, support not documented, recommend asking ibm support first.

as alternative, try specifying preparejsps attribute in ibm-web-ext.xml. see configuring jsp engine parameters , pre-touch tool compiling , loading jsp files topics in knowledge center more information. note option cause jsps compiled when application first started, not quite same precompiling since jsps recompiled each time application redeployed.


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