java - Time format on y axis Primafaces multiaxis LineChart -

i want display time on y axis of chart hh:mm:ss time format. represent data in seconds.

is possible?

i used extender solve problem:


<p:chart type="line" model="#{mybean.multiaxischartmodel}" style="width:800px;" extender="customformatter" /> <script type="text/javascript">     function customformatter() {         this.cfg.axes.y2axis.tickoptions.formatter = function(format, value) {             d = number(value);             var h = math.floor(d / 3600);             var m = math.floor(d % 3600 / 60);             var s = math.floor(d % 3600 % 60);             return (h.tostring().length == 1 ? ("0" + h) : h) + ":" + (m.tostring().length == 1 ? ("0" + m) : m) + ":" + (s.tostring().length == 1 ? ("0" + s) : s);         };     } </script> 



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