c# - Is it possible to create a shortcut for removing unused usings into a class? -

as title says, try clean code of unused using , reason answered this post.

whenever want it, have use mouse , bit annoying that's reason why thought in shortcut in order achieve it. e.g:

enter image description here

and that's result.

enter image description here

i couldn't find related , seems helpful. in advice!

on tools menu, select options, open environment folder, , choose keyboard.

on keyboard page select keyboard mapping scheme.

in show commands containing text box, type edit.removeunusedusings

in scrolling list box, select command want shortcut execute. on use new shortcut in drop-down list, select environment in want use shortcut. choose global if want shortcut work in contexts.

place cursor in press shortcut key(s) text box , press , hold non-text key or combination of non-text keys (alt, ctrl, or shift, example) , type text key of choice. choose assign.



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