windows - How to set a variable with an environment variable read from a text file -

i've created following config file contains parameters used batch file:

file winscp.conf:

folder    %appdata%\winscp version   5.7.4 visit download 

batch file (get.bat):

@echo off setlocal  @if not exist "%1" (     echo config file not found in "%1"     exit /b ) @for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in (%1) (     set %%a=%%b )  mkdir %folder% 

when call batch file this:

get.bat winscp.conf 

i sub-folder %appdata%\winscp created in current folder, this:


while want winscp folder created in windows app data folder, this:


i think there's wrong statement set %%a=%%b, since if change set %%a=%appdata%\winscp folder created way want.

the variables inside tokens should expanded prior assignment adding call:

call set %%a=%%b 


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