r - Unreadable messages on RStudio on Windows -

i using rstudio frontend r. works on gnu/linux (even russian locale , russian messages). hoewever, on windows works worse. problem fonts or charsets of messages.

i installed rstudio version 0.99.467 (amd64) , r version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18).

i see following prompt @ beginning (no issues that, locale en_us, english language):

r version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18) -- "world-famous astronaut" copyright (c) 2015 r foundation statistical computing platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)  r free software , comes absolutely no warranty. welcome redistribute under conditions. type 'license()' or 'licence()' distribution details.  r collaborative project many contributors. type 'contributors()' more information , 'citation()' on how cite r or r packages in publications.  type 'demo()' demos, 'help()' on-line help, or 'help.start()' html browser interface help. type 'q()' quit r. 

but when try wrong thing, suppose trying load package not installed, see unreadable error message.

> library(abcdef) error in library(abcdef) : íåò ïàêåòà ïîä íàçâàíèåì ‘abcdef’ 

how make readable?

by way, problem appears only in rstudio. rgui works fine (even russian messages, no suspicious letters):

> library(abcdef) Ошибка в library(abcdef) :нет пакета под названием ‘abcdef’ 

(package "abcdef" not installed).

not sure start digging. resolvable? or bug in rstudio?

i think problem don't have non-unicode russian charset (1251) on system.

ensure locale set russian in control panel > regional > administrative > change system locale, restart system , check if problem persists.

or can switch r language english adding language = en rconsole file in r's \etc\ directory (c:\program files\r\r-x.x.x\etc\ default).


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