sql - Provider type could not be represented as a .NET type OracleTypeException -

so have application writing oracle database, reading data same database.

when line dim msgtime timespan = reader.gettimespan(2), exception (see below).

the oracle documentation says interval day second (which how i'm storing data in db) can converted timespan (see here)

does know causes exception, , how avoid it?



oracle.dataaccess.types.oracletypeexception provider type not represented .net type    @ oracle.dataaccess.types.timespanconv.gettimespan(opoitlvalctx* pvalctx, oracledbtype oratype)    @ oracle.dataaccess.client.oracledatareader.gettimespan(int32 i)    @ myprogram.polldatabase(object sender, doworkeventargs e) 

write db code:

dim ocommand new oraclecommand("insert logtable(pk, mid,mdate,mtime,status,severity,origq,message) values (:pk, :msgid, :msgdate, :msgtime, :status, :severity, :message)")  ocommand.parameters.add("pk", oracledbtype.varchar2, guid.newguid().tostring().substring(0, 12), parameterdirection.input) ocommand.parameters.add("msgid", oracledbtype.varchar2, message.messageid, parameterdirection.input) ocommand.parameters.add("msgdate", oracledbtype.date, putdatesql, parameterdirection.input) ocommand.parameters.add("msgtime", oracledbtype.intervalds, puttimesql, parameterdirection.input) ocommand.parameters.add("status", oracledbtype.varchar2, "new", parameterdirection.input) ocommand.parameters.add("severity", oracledbtype.varchar2, messageseverity, parameterdirection.input) ocommand.parameters.add("message", oracledbtype.clob, clob, parameterdirection.input) 

read db code:

dim conn oracleconnection = new oracleconnection(oradb) dim ocommand new oraclecommand("select mid,mdate,mtime,status,severity, origq, message logtable") ocommand.commandtype = commandtype.text ocommand.connection = conn ocommand.connection.open() dim reader oracle.dataaccess.client.oracledatareader = ocommand.executereader()  if reader.hasrows      while reader.read()         try             dim messageid string = reader.getstring(0)             dim msgdate date = reader.getdatetime(1)             if not reader.isdbnull(2)                 dim msgtime timespan = reader.gettimespan(2)             end if             dim msgstatus string = reader.getstring(3)             dim msgseverity string = reader.getstring(4)             dim msgorigin string = reader.getstring(5)             dim msgcontent string = reader.getstring(6)         catch ex exception             console.out.writelineasync(ex.message)         end try     end while  end if 

i needed use dim msgtimeinterval oracle.dataaccess.types.oracleintervalds = reader.getoracleintervalds(2) instead of dim msgtime timespan = reader.gettimespan(2)


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