eclipse - Spring Security ACL Domains Error: The type xxx is already defined -

i using eclipse, grails 2.4.5 , spring security acl plugin. created domain classes manage acl data command:


after these domains have been generated eclipse reports classes have been defined.

enter image description here

the error log shows:

enter image description here

in buildconfig.groovy have:

compile ":spring-security-core:2.0-rc5" runtime ':spring-security-acl:2.0-rc2' 

is there way fix eclipse not show errors? beside error code running fine.

edit: here classes generated grails s2-create-acl-domains. did not change except in aclobjectidentity objectid type long string.

here classes have been generated:


package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl  class aclclass {      string classname      @override     string tostring() {         "aclclass id $id, classname $classname"     }      static mapping = {         classname column: 'class'         version false     }      static constraints = {         classname unique: true, blank: false     } } 


package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl  class aclobjectidentity extends abstractaclobjectidentity {      string objectid      @override     string tostring() {         "aclobjectidentity id $id, aclclass $aclclass.classname, " +         "objectid $objectid, entriesinheriting $entriesinheriting"     }      static mapping = {         version false         aclclass column: 'object_id_class'         owner column: 'owner_sid'         parent column: 'parent_object'         objectid column: 'object_id_identity'     }      static constraints = {         objectid unique: 'aclclass'     } } 


package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl  class aclsid {      string sid     boolean principal      @override     string tostring() {         "aclsid id $id, sid $sid, principal $principal"     }      static mapping = {         version false     }      static constraints = {         principal unique: 'sid'         sid blank: false, size: 1..255     } } 


package grails.plugin.springsecurity.acl  class aclentry {      aclobjectidentity aclobjectidentity     int aceorder     aclsid sid     int mask     boolean granting     boolean auditsuccess     boolean auditfailure      @override     string tostring() {         "aclentry id $id, aceorder $aceorder, mask $mask, granting $granting, " +         "aclobjectidentity $aclobjectidentity"     }      static mapping = {         version false         sid column: 'sid'         aclobjectidentity column: 'acl_object_identity'     }      static constraints = {         aceorder unique: 'aclobjectidentity'     } } 

edit: still have no solution problem!!!

groovy has 2 ways treat .groovy file:

  • as script : in case can not have class same name file. can recognize script file, if there code outside class statement in file (other imports), script
  • as class definition file: of course in java have class definition same name file.

what happening in script case if there code executed in file groovy needs containing class code. groovy implicitly create containing class name of file.

so if have file called aclentry.groovy has code in isn't inside class definition, groovy create implicit containing class called aclentry. means script file aclentry.groovy can not contain class called aclentry because duplicate class definition, error.

if, on other hand, in file aclentry.groovy define class aclentry (and number of other classes), groovy treat file collection of class definitions, there no implicit containing class, , there no problem having class called aclentry inside class definition file aclentry.groovy.

you might want check if case in groovy files.


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