sql server - SQL Agent job history not found for few jobs - Database Administrators Stack Exchange

i have;backup ,rebuild indexes , update stats , few other jobs space alerts, replication jobs etc run on sql server 2102-sp2, build number:11.0.5058.0

and not see log sucess/failure few jobs :

exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_jobhistory  @job_name = n'database_full_backup_daily11pm' ; go--no log of sucess or fail,  

but job ran , see backup files stored on backup location , see database last backup taken date yesterday 11pm

and there no other backup jobs running @ backup job uses custom script not maintenance plans owner of job same jobs jobs enabled. not see history via right click on job -view history also. see agent-properties-history--limit size 1000, 100 chosen

but few below, see history

exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_jobhistory  @job_name='replication agents checkup' go----i see history  exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_jobhistory  @job_name = n'distribution clean up: distribution' ; go----i see history 

what wrong here ? ideas experts? please help


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