java - How to sort List of Map String in ascending order -
i have list of hashmap , want sort in ascending order in java.
i using custom comparator implement logic, failing. grouping list based on map keys. not sorting list entirely.
my code looks like-
public class listmap { public static void main(string[] args) { calendar cal = calendar.getinstance(); list<hashmap<string, string>> list = new arraylist<>(); (int = 0; < 20; i++) { int value = randint(1, 20); long timeinmillis = cal.gettimeinmillis(); hashmap<string, string> mp = new hashmap<>(); mp.put("" + value, "values" + value + ":" + timeinmillis); list.add(mp); } collections.sort(list, new comparator<map<string, string>>() { @override public int compare(map<string, string> map1, map<string, string> map2) { string val1 = ""; string val2 = ""; (map.entry<string, string> entry : map1.entryset()) { val1 = entry.getkey(); } (map.entry<string, string> entry : map2.entryset()) { val2 = entry.getkey(); } return val1.compareto(val2); } }); (map<string, string> hashmap : list) { (map.entry<string, string> entry : hashmap.entryset()) { system.out.println(entry.getkey() + "/" + entry.getvalue()); } } } public static int randint(int min, int max) { random rand = new random(); int randomnum = rand.nextint((max - min) + 1) + min; return randomnum; } }
it prints output-
10/values10:1437660285301 11/values11:1437660285301 11/values11:1437660285301 11/values11:1437660285301 13/values13:1437660285301 13/values13:1437660285301 15/values15:1437660285301 15/values15:1437660285301 15/values15:1437660285301 16/values16:1437660285301 17/values17:1437660285301 18/values18:1437660285301 18/values18:1437660285301 19/values19:1437660285301 19/values19:1437660285301 2/values2:1437660285301 3/values3:1437660285301 4/values4:1437660285301 6/values6:1437660285301 6/values6:1437660285301
it groups values key, want entire sorted list in above example.
i expecting 2 , 3, 4 , go on.
you're comparing based on keys of type string
. comparison done lexicographically, i.e. 12
less 2
you need compare keys integers
in comparator:
collections.sort(list, new comparator<map<string, string>>() { @override public int compare(map<string, string> map1, map<string, string> map2) { string val1 = ""; string val2 = ""; (map.entry<string, string> entry : map1.entryset()) { val1 = entry.getkey(); } (map.entry<string, string> entry : map2.entryset()) { val2 = entry.getkey(); } return integer.valueof(val1).compareto(integer.valueof(val2)); } });
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