Netezza: While creating external table, column name is duped with same data type, need to know the reason -
i creating external table in netezza. after table creation when describing it, can see column duped 4 times. looks strange me happening.
create external table test '/nzscratch/kapish/69314.082.000/tv_daily_audit_results.txt' using(delim '|' format 'text' ) select b.card_acceptor_id mid, a.div_no card_div_no, c.div_name acct_type, a.acct_id, a.tran_text, substr(a.tran_text, 24, 13) merchant_city, substr(a.tran_text, 37, 2) merchant_state, b.merchant_zip_cd, a.post_date, a.tran_cd, a.gl_origin_cd, a.tran_amt, a.merchant_cat_cd pstdtr_pstd_trans a, pstdrt_rtain_rtns b, divdef_div_def_v c a.acct_id = b.acct_id , a.reference_no = b.reference_no , a.tran_date = b.tran_date , a.div_no = c.div_no , a.div_no in (232, 234, 235, 237, 273, 275, 276, 278) , post_date >= (current_date - 2) , gl_origin_cd not in (232, 234, 235, 237, 273, 275, 276, 278) system.admin(admin)=> \d test external table "tv_daily_audit_results" attribute | type | modifier -----------------+-----------------------+---------- mid | character(15) | mid | character(15) | mid | character(15) | mid | character(15) | card_div_no | smallint | not null card_div_no | smallint | not null card_div_no | smallint | not null card_div_no | smallint | not null acct_type | character(30) | .. .. .. merchant_cat_cd | integer | merchant_cat_cd | integer | merchant_cat_cd | integer | merchant_cat_cd | integer | dataobject - 'c:\winsql jobs\daily tv audit\tv_daily_audit_results.txt' dataobject - 'c:\winsql jobs\daily tv audit\tv_daily_audit_results.txt' dataobject - 'c:\winsql jobs\daily tv audit\tv_daily_audit_results.txt' dataobject - 'c:\winsql jobs\daily tv audit\tv_daily_audit_results.txt' adjustdistzeroint - bool style - 1_0 . . decimaldelim - disablenfc - includeheader -
now sure reason it. if 1 can me, great.
this appears same bug/issue recognized in this question, has been resolved subsequent fixes/releases. should contact support fix.
the table should function normal, despite odd report catalog.
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