c++ - Java program to mulitiply matrices by calling C code -

so i'm interested in concept. have lot of experience programming in c , fortran, little no java experience. feasible able call c code (even c++) multiply matrices within java code?

my idea, in concept, this

public class matrixmultiplication {     public static void main(string[] args)     {         // parameters         int matrix_size_m = 5000;         int matrix_size_n = 5000;          // allocate matrices multiplication         double matrixa[][] = new double[matrix_size_m][matrix_size_n];         double matrixb[][] = new double[matrix_size_n][matrix_size_m];         double matrixc[][] = new double[matrix_size_m][matrix_size_n];          // initialize matrices         ...          // call c code here multiply c=a*b         ...          // other stuff a, b, , c         ...     } } 

if can accomplished, next step call mkl linear algebra computations, pretty cool.


is feasible call c code multiply matrices out

can it? yes can. don't understand why you'd need to. multiply matrices out in java.

int alength = a[0].length; // column length int browlength = b.length;    // b row length int newrowl = a.length;    // m result rows length int newcoll = b[0].length; // m result columns length double[][] matrixc = new double[newrowl][newcoll];  if(alength == browlength) {       for( int = 0; < newroll; i++)         for(int j = 0; j < newcoll; j++)             for(int k = 0; k < alength; k++)                  matrixc[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j]; }  return matrixc 


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