ios - pod spec lint fails with 400 -

i followed steps make opensource library available on cocoapds. @ end of steps before publishing run pod lib lint command , passed test:

 -> shmultipleselect (0.1.0)  shmultipleselect passed validation. 

but pod spec lint command giving error:

[!] /usr/bin/git clone<github_username>/shmultipleselect.git /var/folders/fn/49fp5hx941541w0ncv5n28_h0000gn/t/d20150723-39741-1esoisq --single-branch --depth 1 --branch 0.1.0  cloning '/var/folders/fn/49fp5hx941541w0ncv5n28_h0000gn/t/d20150723-39741-1esoisq'... fatal: unable access '<github_username>/shmultipleselect.git/': requested url returned error: 400 

searched error through stackoverflow , found can not update pod library. run pod spec lint shmultipleselect.podspec command accepted answer says , gived me error:

[!] /usr/bin/git clone /var/folders/fn/49fp5hx941541w0ncv5n28_h0000gn/t/d20150723-39842-774kfl --single-branch --depth 1 --branch 0.1.0  cloning '/var/folders/fn/49fp5hx941541w0ncv5n28_h0000gn/t/d20150723-39842-774kfl'... warning: not find remote branch 0.1.0 clone. fatal: remote branch 0.1.0 not found in upstream origin unexpected end of command stream 

not clear solve problem. can show me rote go?

here's librarys git url:

and library's .podspec file:

# # sure run `pod lib lint shmultipleselect.podspec' ensure # valid spec , remove comments before submitting spec. # # lines starting # optional, encouraged # # learn more podspec see # |s|             = "shmultipleselect"   s.version          = "0.1.0"   s.summary          = "an easy-to-use multiple selection view."   s.description      = <<-desc                        easy-to-use multiple selection view ios 7+.                        desc   s.homepage         = ""   # s.screenshots     = "", ""   s.license          = 'mit'           = { "shamsiddin" => "" }   s.source           = { :git => "", :tag => s.version.to_s }   # s.social_media_url = ''    s.platform     = :ios, '7.0'   s.requires_arc = true    s.source_files = 'pod/classes/**/*'   s.resource_bundles = {     'shmultipleselect' => ['pod/assets/*.png']   }    # s.public_header_files = 'pod/classes/**/*.h'   # s.frameworks = 'uikit', 'mapkit'   # s.dependency 'afnetworking', '~> 2.3' end 

edit 1:

it turns out didn't create tag @ github repo. created tag version 0.1.0 , run pod spec lint shmultipleselect.podspec command again. it's giving me error:

 -> shmultipleselect (0.1.0)     - error | [ios] `source_files` pattern did not match file.  analyzed 1 podspec.  [!] spec did not pass validation, due 1 error. 

edit 2:

added screenshot projects structure: enter image description here

edit 3:

added screenshot project's structure on disc. structure created using pod lib create shmultipleselect command enter image description here

glad initial problem. regarding edited question, seems there no files @ 'pod/classes/**/*'. file path should specified relative pod spec , should contain files. there folder called pod in same folder podspec?


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