html - Css code why the div class going down? -

i have posted question..but nobody answered code is:

* {      margin: 0;      padding: 0;  }    body {      width: 100%;      font-family: 'cabin', sans-serif;      background-color: #333;  }    .firstnav {      margin:auto;      height: 1500px;      display: block;      width: 70%;      -webkit-flex: 3 1 60%;      flex: 3 1 60%;      -webkit-order: 2;      order: 2;  }    #third {      background: #f00;      position:relative;      display:inline-block;      width: 30%;      margin-left:auto;      margin-right:auto;      height: 500px;      -webkit-flex: 1 6 20%;      flex: 1 6 20%;      -webkit-order: 3;      order: 3;  }    #second {      background: #fff;      position:relative;      display:inline-block;      margin-left:auto;      margin-right:auto;      width: 67%;      height: 1500px;        -webkit-flex: 1 6 20%;      flex: 1 6 20%;      -webkit-order: 3;      order: 3;  }    #registration-form {      font-family:'open sans condensed', sans-serif;      width: 100%;      margin: 20px auto;      position: relative;      display:block;      position:absolute;  }    #registration-form .fieldset {      background-color:#d5d5d5;        border-radius: 3px;    }    #registration-form legend {      text-align: center;      background: #364351;      width: 100%;      padding: 30px 0;      border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0;      color: white;      font-size:2em;  }    .fieldset form{      border:1px solid #2f2f2f;      margin:0 auto;      display:block;      width:100%;      padding:30px 20px;      box-sizing:border-box;      border-radius:0 0 3px 3px;  }
<div class="firstnav">    <div id="second"><p>second<p></div>  <div id="third">        <div id="registration-form">          <div class='fieldset'>              <legend>todays news              </legend>              <form action="#" method="post" data-validate="parsley">                </form>          </div>      </div>    </div>

here,you can see second content going down..why happening??i want 2 container side side..i have changed "#second" code still not coming side..

it looks 1 line missing. elements not being floated. try adding float: left; #second.

play on jsfiddle. i've made change you. you're looking for?


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