php - Argument 1 passed to __construct must be an instance of Services\ProductManager, none given -

in service.yml

test_product.controller:         class: mybundle\controller\test\productcontroller         arguments: ["@product_manager.service"] 

in controller

class productcontroller extends controller {      /**      * @var productmanager      */     private $productmanager;      public function __construct(productmanager $productmanager){         $this->productmanager = $productmanager;     } } 

in routing.yml

test_product_addnew:     path: /test/product/addnew     defaults: { _controller:test_product.controller:addnewaction } 

i want use productmanger in contructor stuff gives me error

catchable fatal error: argument 1 passed mybundle\controller\test\productcontroller::__construct() must instance of mybundle\services\productmanager, instance of symfony\bundle\twigbundle\debug\timedtwigengine given, called in ..../app/cache/dev/appdevdebugprojectcontainer.php on line 1202 , defined

i new symfony, appreciated

you have inverted logical of services.

first, it's manager wich must defined service because it's need call controller.

// services.yml product_manager:         class: mybundle\path\to\productmanager 

then call directly manager defined service in controller.

// controller class productcontroller extends controller {      [...]      $this->get('product_manager');      [...] } 

and not need overload __construct() methode. call ->get(any_service) need it.

also route wrong. have define controller namespace.

// routing.yml test_product_addnew:     path: /test/product/addnew     defaults: { _controller:mybundle:product:addnew } 


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