jQuery slider carousel stop at end -

all right. building custom carousel simple javascript , css3. working okay far. however. when continue clicking next button(when slider @ end), continues without stop function (so become out of focus , messy). i have created small fiddle

the code minified down following:

function nextslide(){     counter++;     var slidewidth = articlewidth*counter;     var articles = $('#slider article.boxed').length;     //magic css3     $('.carousel>div').css('-webkit-transform', 'translate3d('+-slidewidth+'px, 0px, 0px)');     $('.carousel>div').css('-ms-transform', 'translate3d('+-slidewidth+'px, 0px, 0px)');     $('.carousel>div').css('transform', 'translate3d('+-slidewidth+'px, 0px, 0px)'); } 

i have tried calculating stop pos in terms of width/number of slides(articles), buggy, guess, , looking fluid work css responsive (shown in fiddle). suggestions? :)

hope below link you.


$('.block-13 .show-more.prev').click(function () { var last = $('.block-13 .list li:last-child'); last.remove(); $('.block-13 .list').filter(':not(:animated)').prepend(last);  $('.block-13 .list').filter(':not(:animated)').css({     right: '+=' + width });  $('.block-13 .list').filter(':not(:animated)').animate({     right: '-=' + width }); 



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