html - Use jquery to crop a list and hide and show random list elements with a set maxium? -

i have <ul> on 6 <li> elements. want show 6 @ time. trick need randomly select elements hide, , stagger hide/show.

for example current markup :

<ul> <li>1<li> <li>2<li> <li>3<li> <li>4<li> <li>5<li> <li>6<li> <li>7<li> <li>8<li> <li>9<li> </ul> 

is possible use jquery hide/show elements provide random this:

<ul>     <li style="display:none">1<li>     <li>2<li>     <li style="display:none">3<li>     <li>4<li>     <li>5<li>     <li>6<li>     <li>7<li>     <li style="display:none">8<li>     <li>9<li>  </ul> 

you should try things before posting questions here, include code have tried show have tried. however, simple, i'll answer question.

expanding on this answer question generating random numbers in javascript, can use while() loop generate random number between 0 , number of elements minus 6.

we don't want hide same element twice, have check if element same index random number hidden.

  • if visible, hide , reduce number of further iterations 1
  • if hidden, nothing , start new iteration.


var items = document.queryselectorall("#random li"), index, i; var min = 0; var max = items.length - 1; var count = items.length - 6;  while(count > 0) {     index = math.floor(math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;     if(items[index].style.display != "none") {         items[index].style.display = "none";         --count;     } } 

code correction:

you should use closing tags end html elements.


should be



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