c# - Handler (MIME) for multimedia content not working -

i working handler presents multimedia content in page.

the idea handler access file , determine type using extension, , presenting it, problem of times handler gets downloaded , multimedia not presented.

here code:

fileinfo file = new fileinfo(filepath); byte[] bytes = new byte[file.length]; using (filestream fs = file.openread()) {     fs.read(bytes, 0, bytes.length); }  string extension = path.getextension(filepath); string mimedeclaration; if (".tif" == extension)     mimedeclaration = "tiff"; string[] imagenes = new string[] {".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".png"}; if (imagenes.any(x => x.contains(extension)))     mimedeclaration = extension.substring(1); else     mimedeclaration = string.empty;  context.response.clearcontent(); context.response.clearheaders(); context.response.contenttype = "image/" + mimedeclaration; context.response.binarywrite(bytes); 

the filepath variable valid.

could me avoid handler not present multimedia content?

i think now, when mimedeclaration empty or wrong don't image download.

this occurs in code because mime types images aren't always "image/" plus file extension:

context.response.contenttype = "image/" + mimedeclaration; 

eg .jpg image it's


otherwise it's because it's tiff image in case else clause setting mimedeclaration empty string.

tip: detecting mime types file extension less ideal, check way here: alternative findmimefromdata method in urlmon.dll 1 has more mime types


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