php - Symfony Picture Download -

i have action download picture , post picture toamazons3 , set url amazons3 in db:

public function photouploadaction($username) {     $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();     $request = $this->get('request');     $profilerepository = $this->get('artel.profile.developer.repository');     $developer = $profilerepository->findonebyusername($username);     $developer_username = $developer->getusername();      if (!$developer) {         throw $this->createnotfoundexception('unable find profile.');     }     $authenticator = $this->get('artel.profile.authenticator');     if (!$authenticator->check($developer)) {         throw new accessdeniedexception('access denied!');     }      $url = sprintf(         '%s%s',         $this->container->getparameter('acme_storage.amazon_s3.base_url'),         $this->getphotouploader()->upload($request->files->get('file'), $developer_username)     );      $developer->setimage($url);     $em->persist($developer);      $em->flush();      return new response($url); 

and need, if picture have size 1024x768 or more, have change one-size-height proportional width of 150. how this. ways solve problem?


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