javascript - complex ajax query using parse api -

im dealing's apis. want make complex queries in javascript function.

i couldnt manage equivalant params section below code ajax request. appriciated.

for example, retrieve scores between 1000 , 3000, gave example in python,

import json,httplib,urllib connection = httplib.httpsconnection('', 443) params = urllib.urlencode({"where":json.dumps({        "score": {          "$gte": 1000,          "$lte": 3000        }      })}) connection.connect() connection.request('get', '/1/classes/gamescore?%s' % params, '', {        "x-parse-application-id": "pchvgniu2bbgggmofkcvkquk91g5v3u5g4zgwifk",        "x-parse-rest-api-key": "5pi5vb7dnu8mry6ypftotpidpuheqv5gmchfaqxk"      }) result = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read()) print result 

the code in javascript can shorter:

$.ajax({         type:"get",         beforesend: function (request)         {             request.setrequestheader("x-parse-application-id", 'pchvgniu2bbgggmofkcvkquk91g5v3u5g4zgwifk');             request.setrequestheader("x-parse-rest-api-key", '5pi5vb7dnu8mry6ypftotpidpuheqv5gmchfaqxk');         },         url: "",         data: "where=" + escape(json.stringify({"score": {"$gte": 1000, "$lte": 3000 }})),         processdata: false,         success: function(msg) {             console.log(json.parse(msg));         } }); 

jquery append data url query string, final request url be: 

and of course it's ok construct url ourselves:

var url = "" + escape(json.stringify({"score": {"$gte": 1000, "$lte": 3000 }})) $.ajax({     type:"get",     beforesend: function (request)     {         request.setrequestheader("x-parse-application-id", 'pchvgniu2bbgggmofkcvkquk91g5v3u5g4zgwifk');         request.setrequestheader("x-parse-rest-api-key", '5pi5vb7dnu8mry6ypftotpidpuheqv5gmchfaqxk');     },     url: url,     processdata: false,     success: function(msg) {         console.log(json.parse(msg));     } 


the request url same previous one.


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