Visual Studio 2015 Publish WebJobs Issue -

using right-click, publish azure webjob... option in visualstudio 2015, job published runmode seems ignored.

in file, have following settings, job continually set on demand job in portal after publishing:

{   "$schema": "",   "webjobname": "myjob",   "starttime": "2015-07-21t00:30:00-08:00",   "endtime": null,   "jobrecurrencefrequency": "day",   "interval": 1,   "runmode": "scheduled" } 

using visual studio 2015 azure sdk .net 2.7

here error in output windows after publishing error : error occurred while creating webjob schedule: not load type 'microsoft.identitymodel.clients.activedirectory.activedirectoryauthenticationexception' assembly 'microsoft.identitymodel.clients.activedirectory, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35'.

based off of error, issue must logged cloud explorer within visual studio job scheduled properly.

the job still publish if not logged in, available ondemand.


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