swift - Which files in my iOS Xcode project should I hide before uploading to github? -

in ruby on rails, know there's config/secrets.yml file shouldn't upload github.

is there equivalent in ios app? i'm thinking uploading app github before submitting apple app store, , don't want accidentally share secret keys or else should remain private.

github maintains public project .gitignore recommendations several languages: https://github.com/github/gitignore

for xcode how file looks:

# xcode # # gitignore contributors: remember update global/xcode.gitignore, objective-c.gitignore & swift.gitignore  ## build generated build/ deriveddata  ## various settings *.pbxuser !default.pbxuser *.mode1v3 !default.mode1v3 *.mode2v3 !default.mode2v3 *.perspectivev3 !default.perspectivev3 xcuserdata  ## other *.xccheckout *.moved-aside *.xcuserstate *.xcscmblueprint  ## obj-c/swift specific *.hmap *.ipa  # cocoapods # # recommend against adding pods directory .gitignore. # should judge yourself, pros , cons mentioned at: # http://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control # #pods/  # carthage # # add line if want avoid checking in source code carthage dependencies. # carthage/checkouts  carthage/build 


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