c++ - Qt Creator doesn't load my custom widget plugin -

my os win7 , i've installed qt 5.5.0

i create simple custom widget plugin new project->other project -> qt custom designer widget

after creating dll , copy in d:\qt\qt5.5.0\tools\qtcreator\bin\plugins\designer , d:\qt\qt5.5.0\5.5\mingw492_32\plugins\designer

but in qt creator designer not appear widget in widget box

but if run designer.exe, all ok , widget displayed

i read qt designer doesn't load custom widget plugin , read how promote custom widget in qt creator

i came conclusion qt creator not work correctly

sorry not have enough reputation comment. there many possible reasons, why plugin not load. can further information opening *.ui file in qt creator , take in menu: tools->form editor->about qtdesigner plugins.

if plugin listed there, copied in right folder , hint why not load. in experience, common mistake is, qt-creator not build mingw, trying load plugin built mingw. need use same compiler both.


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